
Is it really sexist to scrutinize Governor Palin?

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I think it is more sexist to vote for someone based solely on their gender than it would be to scrutinize all candidates thoroughly, including their actions (familial included) compared to their platforms.

Why do the Palin camp and her devotees seem to get away with screaming that people are being sexist when the media tries to put her under the microscope just like every other candidate, including Clinton, Obama, and McCain? Doesn't that actually hurt the cause for equality? What about when she faces scrutiny from foreign leaders, as she most certainly will. Will she scream "sexist" then, as well?




  1. Good point...

  2. Not all criticism of her is sexist. Yes, there are some sexists who refuse to support a woman, but there are legitimate reasons to be concerned about Gov. Palin.

  3. No issue with scrutinizing, but when they just become hate filled rants based on ignorance I tend to dislike it. I like Palin, with that being said, I did not like Hillary's politics but never attacked her just because she is a woman. h**l Obama are the biggest babies, you can not ask any question or you are a racist.

    But take a look at the attack piece by US magazine on Palin.

    Edit: Johnny, I left out "supporters" after Obama. Sorry for the confusion.

  4. Do you want an honest answer or do you just want someone to agree with you?   In case you want truth, the fact of the matter is whether it's sexist or not depends on how they go about it.   Asking whether or not she can manage her family and be VP is sexist because no one ever asks that of a man.   Dragging her kids into it in an effort to make her look like a bad mother is sexist because no one does that to men either.   Scrutinizing her record is fine but suggesting that McCain only picked her because she's attractive is sexist.   Suggesting that because her daughter is pregnant, then Palin can't be VP is also sexist because you wouldn't find that criticism directed at a man.   However, just saying she is inexperienced is perhaps naive considering who Dems picked for President but it is not sexist.   Bringing up her husbands trangressions from 20 years ago is stupid but not sexist.  And bringing up concerns about her ethics investigation is legitimate and not sexist.

  5. She should be scrutinized. But it is sexist when the attention is paid to her abilities as a mother rather than leader. Men do not undergo this type of criticism. How many people said George Bush should quit his post because his daughter had a drinking problem?

  6. Whenever a person puts their hat in the ring, they are subject to scrutiny...and Palin is no different than the others in that respect. People are absolutely right to ask the hard questions and grill her like they would any other politician.

  7. No, we should scrutinize our candidates. It should be based on their leadership capabilities, resume' and things of that nature. We want strength of character, ability to see the big picture, logic tempered with compassion, excetera. Responsible positions inherently call for scrutiny and the traits that voters look for should not be based on gender.

  8. It's according to what you are scrutinizing.

    If it is her politics.. then no.

    If it is her ability to be a mother and a VP.. then yes.

  9. Yes, its the d**n liberal media. They won't stop with their sexist remarks!

  10. Uh, no.

    Yes, it's sexist to vote for smeone based solely on whether their reproductive organs are inside or outside their body.

    Why do the repluclicans scream insane things? Uh, because that's what republicans DO.

    BTW, the Daily Show a few days ago did a nice little job of showing talking heads, first saying that attacking Palin for whatever reason is sexits, and then a bunch of the same heads saying that Clinton had no cause for complaint about attacks on her for being a woman, she's supposed to simply "take it."

    Mad a nice little set of juxtapositions, but then, that's what the Daily Show does best, doesn't it?

    They also did a nice bit with their female reporter going on and on about voting for the R ticket, because "I have b*****s; SHE has b*****s...." It was pretty funny.

    This morning I saw the bit where the same reporter talked to women at the convention, ab out Palin's daughter's decision to carry her pregnancy to term. She kept pretending not to be able to remember the word "choice" while talking with these people going on and on about how it should be up to the families involved to decide such things.


  11. Yes, guilty as charged: I am SEXIST. I will vote for the Reps solely because of Sarah Palin and her gender. She is so hot. I have a thing for women in control with business suits.

  12. Agreed!  Nicely put.  

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