
Is it really so crazy to worship the sun?

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We know it's always there, even when we can't see it

It gives us life

It provides food

It makes us happy (hormonally)

It allows us to see things really well

It gives us energy

If you thanked the sun for your meal, it would make sense, because the sun provided for all of it.

So why don't people worship the sun since it's something they can be sure of, that's been proven? It seems with all our knowledge now that sun worship should be more prevalent than it ever was before.




  1. It is not worshiping the sun, it's drawing energy from the sun.  When using some Chinese/Japaneses meditations, they draw their energy from the sun.  They don't worship it.

  2. Who is to say that people DONT worship the Sun?  The Sun is not a major deity in my faith, but she has her place, and I have made offerings to Sunna on Mid-Summer's Day.

  3. I like to be clean, should I worship soap?  or should I worship the company that makes the soap?....oh, I've never seen the company....I can't be sure it exists can I?  ok, the soap....

  4. This question is deeper than most people think.

    Cavemen worshipped the sun. Then religions became more sophisticated, the sun was a physical entity, so people started believing in an invisible god, a strict one, who would punish whoever does not believe in his son... or whoever does not pray 5 times a day facing east... or whoever eat pork...

    Still following? I am lost :)

  5. The fact that you repeatedly (and correctly) referred to the sun as "it" is one good reason not to worship it.

  6. First Commandment for starters.  (Romans 1:18-32).

  7. At least it's not imaginary.

    I prefer to just have a healthy respect for it.

  8. The sun never asked for money, but God does.

  9. I would prefer the sun to god but I know the sun can't understand my thanks so I will worship neither.

  10. hahahaha very funny, God created the sun so we can have food light energy. So check your facts and don't put funny or silly questions like that. Look in the Bible.    

  11. Because people want to worship someone/something that has control over them and they can use as an explanation or place blame on, for things they cannot explain.  

  12. As crazy as it gets; worshiping a floating ball of fire!

  13. ask christians they "converted" all the people who worshiped the sun in their very convincing and pointy way  

  14. Well sun worship used to be really popular

    It makes more sense to worship the sun than worship a god that reads minds and takes interest in your sexual orientation

  15. YOu would be better off worshipping Joe Pesci - He can get things done.  

  16. i pray to Te Mu. ( another name for Ra). ( The Sun God).

  17. Mose sensible and more reasonable to worship the sun than The Big Cranky Daddy in the Sky.

  18. The sun did not give you life, God did.

    The sun does not provide you with food. God does.

    Happiness can only truly come from a strong relationship with God.

    The sun does not allow you to see any thing. God gives you sight.

    The sun does not give you energy. God blesses you with that.

    God created the sun.  

  19. If you invented something...say a utensil that changed people's lives...would you want to be praised for it?  Or would it make more sense to have people all over the world praise the utensil itself????

    Using our brains, we come up with the right answer.  It is crazy to worship creation, and not the Creator.

  20. Here's what God says about it:

    Rom 1:18   But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves.  

    Rom 1:19   For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts.  

    Rom 1:20   From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.  

    Rom 1:21   Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. The result was that their minds became dark and confused.  

    Rom 1:22   Claiming to be wise, they became utter fools instead

  21. I completely agree. I makes far, far more sense to worship something that you can scientifically prove to be the catalyst and engine of life on this planet than an invisible undocumented mythical man.

    Plus the Sun is really pretty.

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