
Is it really so disgusting to be a ''plus size as a female''?

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Chloe Martin didn'[t want to hide her weight and did pose in a bikini to show self confidence. She won the Title of Miss Surrey in England but she did it more for a lark but makes money as a Model for plus sizes. She is tall at 5ft 10 and as I said a size 16 which equals a 12 in the U.S.A,0.jpg




  1. Hmm, ur pic says she could stand to lose a teensy bit of weight..

    but i dont think it is disgusting.. anyone that wants to be mega overweight/obese like over 250pds is disgusting but other than that.. everyones beautiful.. in their own way

    id prefer women to be normal.. :)

  2. Wow,that's amazing,stylish, fashionable and s**y......! ...?

    But..! need to balance her things out.

    there are strang relationship between her height and her weight."she missed ur highest heel."

    My opinion is It depends on how plus size is?

    when plus size women posing in bikini exposing her georgeous big b***s,and ....


  3. There is nothing wrong with a plus-size female. Of course they can be attractive. But others will tell you different. I know alot of plus-size women who carry themselves well. That "I never want to gain weight" quote you have listed is "too much", too far. If people would accept others the way they are, they wouldn't be so judgemental.

    Those models are beautiful, and that first picture, I give her alot of credit for posing so beautifully in that bikini.

  4. i really just don't think a lot of body fat is attractive. either is being too skinny.  

  5. Well good news, in some culture the woman must be required to be 200+ lbs in order to get married.

  6. I want you to watch a video, Her name is Chloe Agnew. She is in the group Celtic Women. She is a plus size woman and absolutely beautiful. I have absolutely NO problem with bigger ladies. Id rather have a plus size woman that a skinny S****y w***e.

    I first discovered Chloe on the plus-size modelling/ fashion site, Chloe is not only a brilliant singer and incredibly talented performer, but also a positive role model for young women today - showing them that they don't need to be anorexic to be beautiful and successful, but can be even more gorgeous at a naturally curvy size.

  7. I think it's too much when anyone would risk their life for the sake of looking good physically. While being overweight is STILL risking your health, nothing can compare to LUNG CANCER. When I was younger I pretty much said a similar thing, I drank and I smoked for a different reason and the reason was Id rather die soon cos I hated my life "I dont care if I get cancer." The truth is, if you do get cancer, you WILL CARE. I had a liver attack last year and I was only 24. It is something I dont ever want to experience again and that made me learn how precious and fragile our health is.

    Aesthetic-wise, being overweight, like the lady in the pic, is OKAY. It isn't "disgusting" and in fact some curvy girls I know I am jealous cos of their overall package-they have confidence, boobies and an *** :D But if a person is morbidly obese that he/she cant get out of bed, that is not good at all in my opinion.

  8. I would say there's always MORE to love of such ladies (wink)

  9. I looked at the picture that you posted. The girl looks pretty nice but she is young so she will look ok even with fat on her. But I do feel that she would look much better skinner. She is tall so her weight does now look disgusting to me at least. I think that it might be hard for some people to lose weight so it's not right to call them disgusting. I just can't agree with this at all. Have a blessed day.

  10. I guess theres a difference with  being fit and fat and just fat. People can be big and extremely fit and healthy with few health problems, these people are active, eat relatively healthily and keep good care of themselves and I think these people have a healthy glow to the skin and a general attractiveness the unhealthy plus sizers lack. Unhealthy plus sizers are wheezy, have puffy spotty skin, have excess rolls (rather than bulk), are not agile or fit and look drained and tired. And that is not attractive.

    And I agree, that skinnyness is the same, there is a HUGE difference between someone who is naturally skinnier and healthy than someone who is anorexic or extremely skinny because of bad (or no) diet.

    People who are healthy glow, and they are attractive no matter what they look like. However, someone who spends time smoking, eating junk food or starving themsleves do not look healthy, their skin does not glow and their eyes are not sparkly but tired looking. Just depends.

    P.S there is nothing s**y or healthy about being obese (again big difference between big and bulky and obese and wheezing and heaving just walking down the street)

    The girl in the pic looks fine, she glows, she looks healthy, she is generally toned (no rolls or cellulite) and looks confident.

  11. sophie dahl looked good as a big girl too, but even she eventually shed the pounds. Fern Britton used to be 'proud' of her figure, and we all know what happened to her.

    I do really hope these people are happy, but I myself have put weight on recently and I need to lose it again. I feel better slimer. (never thin)

    I must do something soon as my son has been having fun wobbling my belly recently. (in public!)

  12. well when i was younger i was scouted because of my large chest, i used to have competitions with people of how long i had not eaten for, i passed out all the time, i was obsessed with my weight so that was the reason for anything going wrong e.g my boyf cheating was because i was too fat in my mind.

    i looked ridiculous with bigg balloons on my chest and a rake everywhere else. looking back i wasn't happy at all. Now im in a long term relationship have put on 3 stone after being so underweight and i enjoy eating out and general living. i would much rather be the way i am now.

  13. Being over weight is not absolutely disgusting. Have you seen or heard of the TV show, How to look good naked? Its a great show, you can learn so much about different types of body shape. I have a friend that is plus sized, and she's pretty hot, cause she got that hour glass figure, and a nice booty. The media sucks for making skinny girls the ideal image.

  14. It depends on how "plus size" we are talking here. The link you provided shows a girl who I would not consider to be grossly overweight. Especially if fully clothed, you might not even realize that she was overweight (maybe you would, but you wouldn't think, "Ew! Fattie!"). Now if a girl is some 400 pounds, then that is disgusting. If the girl is around the size in the link you provided, I think that is fine. It's a healthy weight, and was the ideal weight of females in the past (and still is in many countries today).

  15. She is a very pretty girl and I 'm sure she is happy being that size but I'm sorry it wouldn't suit me, I don't smoke to keep slim I just watch everything I eat 5' 8" 58 kilo and a size 8 I like being that way I would hate to be fat I have issues with it.

  16. i think it depends on each individual, some people do find it attractive, others dont. personally i would not like to be bigger then a size 16.

    Yes its weird aout smoking to stay thin as i know from past it works, but seeing someone actually dieing of cancer soon puts you off that track!!!!

  17. I think the girl in your pics is SO dam s**y not too fat and not too skinny just right ;)

    I would take a plus size girl over any bone skinny model anytime

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