
Is it really such a big deal to say someone is a liar?

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I accused my friend of lying re this guy we both liked Is this a big deal She was saying that he was just messing us both around and best leave him.Turns out he was married after all.Now she is making a big thing of me calling her liar like I said to her neither of us had all the facts.I think she is more mad cos he isnt available than at me and she is directing at me.I really thought she was trying to put me off him.So is she over reacting or should I say something to her like yaeh u were right




  1. It's like cheating in a game, even if someone does it, they will be offended if you accuse them of it..  It's life, it's mad...

  2. i dony fink shes ovr reactin coz u should trust ur frends ovr ur boy anydy u should jus say sorry n she will prob 4giv u xx

  3. No, it isn't a big deal to call someone a liar, however, it is best to have all the facts to hand before presuming or labelling someone.  It sounds to me that your friend is a little bitter about what has happened and probably feels a bit embarrassed, thus covering it up with anger directed at you.  I think you should both learn by this experience and move on...some guys really aren't worth it!!! x

  4. When people are backed into a corner they will use whatever ammunition they can.

  5. It is okay to confront a person about lying- you can say "You lied to me, didn't you?"

    But to call someone a "liar" implies that they lie a lot, which can be taken as offense.

  6. to me it's a big deal

  7. I think you're a drama queen. You should have better things to do with your time than argue with other women about men.

  8. i think its a big thing if ur wrong for the person accused because she's probably feeling hurt that you never believed her. but at the same time she is gloating about it and milking the old "i told you so".  if you just admit she was right she'll probably stop going on about it in a couple of weeks rather than a couple of months.

  9. I think she's hurt

  10. if liers doesn't have shame to lie then why someone should have shame to say a lier to 'lier'?may be next time even later that lier will stop and start telling a truth only..

  11. Well, note that she also liked him.

    If she knew for a fact that he was married and wanted nothing to do with you, she wouldn't have had a "thing" for him. this situation, I would definately agree with you and say that she is overreacting.

  12. If you call her a liar, you should apologize if she did in fact tell the truth.  How would you like to be accused of lying about something?  Your both acting like children.

  13. of course she is mad at you.  i would be too.  you called her

    a liar and she wasn't lying.  

    i know you are mad at the world because your big romance

    went south.  well guess what that's life.  she tried to clue you

    in that you were being used and you went off on her.  well

    grow up sweetie, because from not on your friends may very

    well remember how you treated her and not tell you when

    they know you are being jerked around, and believe me you

    did not meet the only guy who will pull that kind of stunt.

    apologies, and mean it.

  14. Yes, it's a very big deal to say someone is a liar.  You attacked her character, and it turned out to be an unjust accusation.  You owe her an apology.

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