
Is it really that bad to smoke weed? peer pressure ?

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alot of my friends smoke weed and i get mad at them because i think its bad but they go on and on telling me how it helps you focus and you get better at everything.. now im wondering if it is bad for you? i keep telling them i dont want to but they say ooo it will help you.... i need some proof that is bad or jsut to keep me motavatied to say no




  1. Don't do it! It gives you the munchies and makes you high! And then you'll want to do it again! Save your money!

  2. If you plan on commiting suicide before you do anything with your life its perfectly fine to smoke weed.  Otherwise its bad and permantly damges your body ;-; bad idea!

  3. It's definitely bad for one's health to smoke pot/use marijuana.  There are so many toxins in pot (as with nicotine, the main chemical in cigarettes) that not only can one's lungs to get permanently damaged, but also the brain, namely the hippocampus part which has to do with our memory, learning and emotion.  Why risk not being able to understand what other people say to you and remember simple instructions? :)  Please really consider finding friends that care about their future and are motivated and positive about life along with career goals.

    There is a 12 step support group for those addicted to pot and wanting to get sober called Marijuana Anonymous ( ), similar to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) principles.  They wouldn't have such a group if pot helped the person to focus and such.  That's what pot smokers say to rationalize their behavior.  Please go with your gut feeling and look for other friends which a much healthier outlook on life.

    On a similar note, please steer clear of other reckless behaviors such as (not) using inhalants ("huffing" fumes or gas) as that can cause brain tissue loss, bone marrow (fatty inner lining of bones) damage, hearing loss, seizures, limb spasms, other organ damage and even death after "just" one time.  For more info on the dangers of huffing:

  4. well i speak from experience because i was a heavy smoker from the age of about 18 till i was 28 ( 2 years ago!) and i can tell you it does not help you focus at all if anything it clouds your judgement completely and if you do decide to give in to peer pressure you will end up stuck in a rut as will your friends because it ends up being like a crutch that you need all the time and no matter how many people say its not addictive it really is and it defiantly leads on to harder drugs as it did in my case and many of my friends,! i spent many years trying to give it all up and i can honestly say it was one of the hardest things i have ever had to do  but i got there in the end with alot of help and support and i have turned my life around and feel so much better for it

    you don't need anything to help you focus apart from your own self and you get better at things through plain old determination practise and perseverance.

    say NO to these friends of yours because i can guarantee you that you really don't want or need to end up in the position i was in.

    i hope this makes you think twice.. if not take a look at my profile answers and find the answer i gave to " giving up the evil weed cannabis" read the whole page as i'm sure it will help.

    best wishes : )

  5. i think there is nothing wrong with smoking herb, but at your age you shouldn't start, like one of the guys on here said, wait till you are out of high school at least, so you can make your own decisions in life. and that's what i did. as long as you are a responable person, nothing bad will happen, unless you aren't very street smart, not well kept to yourself or have no common sense, if u have any of those, you will get caught. so don't do it, only when you are at least a adult. Whocaresanyway is right, there are people who do that and are known to be successful, you can only guess what kind of people they are.

  6. Say no you don't really want to start that c**p. It stays in your system so if you are trying to get a job it shows up in drug test.  

  7. I don't think that it's "bad" for you.. but I don't know how they can say that it helps you focus, lol.. if anything it does the complete opposite. I know a lot of people who smoke, adults, including myself. But I do think that you should wait until you are old enough to make the decision on your own and not just do it because your friends say so. I don't smoke and go to work or anything like that. Usually I just do it at home at night to relax and help me be less stressed...

    PS. I have a really good job, never been arrested, am almost done with a college degree, etc. So don't listen to people who say that only dead beats do it It's a personal decision. And I also know plenty of other people who are very successful who smoke pot.

  8. there is a reason why its called dope

  9. Okay the reason your friends smoke marijuana is because it is probably one of the best feeling you can ever get out of life. I mean think about it God made it (So it can't be that bad), they give it to people with glaucoma and aids to ease their pain (Now can tell me why doctors would they would give something that is suppose to be harmful to someone that is in a lot of pain and could die soon) and from personal use I have found that after I work out my muscles hurt very badly and the way I deal with that is role up some marijuana and the pain is gone the next day. So yeah it will help you. No it isn't bad for you you can look it up anywhere you want. Oh and being "high" is amazing! You just feel so happy and care free like the entire world is lifted off your shoulders. And also I have had friends say that they would never try pot and that they would hate it now it is something that I do with them almost every week end and they love it.

    Oh and something to keep in mind is that nobody has ever died from use of marijuana.

    Now there are so man y myths and lies about pot and I could go on forever.

    So if you want to know more just contact me.


  10. its yo disicion to smoke weed and nobody elses. if you want to turn yo body into just some oil and tar it aint nobody elses bisness.

  11. Your friends are lying.  It does not keep you focused.  It relaxes you, sometimes to the point that you don't want to move.  It costs alot of money, so don't waste it.  If anything, by being in the room where they are smoking it, is just enough for you.  Chances are if you've said no, you really have no interest in it and that's good.

    And weed is not an adult thing to do.  There should be a certain point in your life where you just stop doing drugs.  There are other ways to relax and de-stress besides the illegal way.

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