
Is it really that big of a deal?? syndactyly *pics*?

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I'm 18 yrs old and i have syndactyly(webbed toes). I am starting college tomorrow and one of my classes is a dancing class, and i didn't know at the time that everyone has to be barefoot. I am really self-conscience about my feet, I never even shown any of my friends. Please tell me if i should be making it a big deal or not. I'm a shy person and i hate being in the center of attention, so i don't want on the first day people staring and saying stupid things to me. I would be so embarrassed.

please serious answers..

is this really a big deal???




  1. lol.

    That's actually kind of cool.

    I don't think its a real deal and

    I think webbed toes are cute anyway

    so i don't see any problems to be barefoot.

  2. I have never met anyone with webbed toes before but in my honest opinion, it would be hard for me to notice in the first place based on your pictures. If I did notice I believe I would be intrigued but definitly not think anything less of you. I say go for it and give people a chance to be as good natured as most have tendancies to be. If you encounter the rare individual who has a probled with people who are different, ignore them since they are the type who look for things to be critical about - there not friends of anyone.

  3. aw no that is not  abig deal at all, honestly! dont worry about it, i cant even notice any difference from the photos

  4. It is really not a big deal.  I have webbed toes like in the photo.  I've been wearing flip flops all summer and no one has said a thing.  They don't even stare at them.  I think we webbies think people stare at them more than they really do.  And if they say something, just show them off like it is nothing to you and explain how unique you are.  Webbed toes look better than scrauny separated toes anyway.

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