
Is it really that expensive to adopt?

by Guest33589  |  earlier

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I'm thinking of adopting a baby preferably from etiopia but what are the risks and what should I expect also what are the expenses. Plus! How do I get started




  1. It can be expensive, but it is worth it.  There are the added expenses associated with traveling to Africa to pick up the child, as well as staying there for a week or two while the paperwork is done.

    PLease keep in mind that there is a relatively high rate of AIDS in Ethiopia.

  2. Risks?  That it might take longer than expected, and you may not be approved.

    What should you expect?  Lost of frustration, paperwork, expenditures, travel, and joy when you finally become a parent!

    How do you get started?  See the blog and website below!

    Good luck!

    Ethiopia Adoption BlogEthiopia adoption news, information and firsthand accounts by those who have been there. - 83k - Cached - Similar pages

    Ethiopia Adoption: Helping International Children Find FamiliesChildren's Home Society & Family Services Ethiopia Adoption Fees Every agency defines or breaks down its Ethiopia fees differently, which causes confusion ... - 26k - Cached - Similar pages

  3. As an adoptive parent is is difficult for me when people complain about the expense of adoption.  Yes, it is expensive especially if you go with a good agency.  But no one hesitates to spend 20, 30, 40 thousand or more on a car that they will only drive for six years.  A child is forever and the cost is more than worth it.

    My children's adoption ranged a period of fifteen years, and the cost ranged from 15,000 to 35,000 each.

    Worth every penny and more.  I know that is a lot of Money, but I managed as a single parent.  

    As for the risk, a great number of children from third world countries are HIV positive, this should not stop you, but you should be aware of the risk.  Many others were so malnourished inutero and in infancy that they have extensive developmental delays, severe health issues and low IQ's.  As long as you are aware of the risk and are prepared to deal with the possibilities, there is nothing more rewarding than parenthood.  I would never discourage any one from giving a child a home.

  4. Adoption is expensive...because so much goes into it (legal processes, background checks, homestudies, travel, etc).  There's an adoption tax credit.  Look here: for more info.  Your state may also have a tax credit available.  Contact the Dept of Revenue for info on that.

    For info on adopting from Ethiopia go here to see what's involved & all.  Then Google International Adoption Agency Ethiopia and you will find  a list of agencies that have Ethiopian programs.  Choose from the list & go from there.

  5. U can always pull that information up on line. But I heard it was expensive too! so go 2 for fUrther assistance.U will all of ur answers there.

  6. It depends on what you consider expensive. We spent approx. 30K after unanticipated legal fees with our first son and less than 15K on our second. Would I do it again......IN A HEARTBEAT!!! There is no price you can put on motherhood. There are lots of financing options out there and some scholarship type things as well. Plus you will have a tax credit the year after finalization.

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