
Is it really that hard to stay faithful???

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While I am sitting here at work bored I read all these questions and answers about people cheating, thinking about it, have done it, will do it, planning on it tonight or tomorrow, etc.

I have actually been cheated on as well, albeit a long time ago. I didn't understand it then and I don't understand it now.

The way I see it, if you want to be with someone else that bad, why can't you just be honest and leave that person with dignity?

Is it really that hard to be faithful???




  1. You will drive yourself crazy trying to figure out the answer to this question. I did for a long time. For a person that is faithful it is just not possible for them to understand the reasoning of it. Myself, I have put up with a lot of #%^# in relationships, and in the end the reason we would split would be their infidelity. And every time it happend I would beat myself up over it wondering why. I would ask them. They never had a good explanation. In fact, they would always say " I don't know why I did it." " It's not about you, I have no excuse for it." So if you ever get an answer that makes sense as to why people cheat, I need to know. lol. I'm not real sure why some find it hard to stay faithful.

  2. obviously it is...some people just can't help themselves...sad, uh?

  3. It isn't difficult at all (my opinion).

    For me, I cannot even imagine cheating on my husband.  What for?  Everything I love in the world, I already have.  I wouldn't ever want to jeopardize that, but given that I'm not even tempted, I'm with you - I don't understand how it's so hard for other people.

  4. It shouldn't be, not if you really love someone. I think it's easy because I have no desire to ever be with anyone else

  5. you know Adam I feel the exact same way as you do.  Maybe that's why I never cheated.  I feel like, if I want to be with a person that bad and have a vibe that strong, I am going to leave.  For me to even be that attracted to anyone, would take time and a process, for me..I would much rather put that "extra" time in my relationship.  I truly think and belive, people are just selfish to the extreme, and never satisfied with what they have.  It's sad, it's painful, is all the above.  And I don't, will not, and can't understand why, why do people cheat, when all they have to do is leave.

  6. Yes it is hard cause i love men and my husband has no interest in s*x anymore so i have to get it elsewhere.

    Why should i have to miss out on s*x cause of him.

  7. I agree with you.  They need to grow some big ones and leave the person they wish to cheat on.  I have been cheated on as well and it hurts.  

    To answer your question:  To me no it is not hard to be faithful.  When I say yes to one person I mean it.

  8. No.  I think the question should be, "Is it really that hard to be happy".  All unhappy people cheat.  

  9. Its all about choices. Human beings are not robots. They have emotions and needs. It is easy to rationalize cheating if that is what you think you need. People are afraid to give up what they have with their mate because they like that life too. I watched Random Hearts the other day. The cheaters will killed in a plane crash and the non cheating spouses were left to pick up the pieces. Very interesting movie. Watching how it evolved.  

  10. I believe human are born with the "greed" nature... wanting the best of both worlds..  

  11. it is harder to be unfaithful, just for the sake of getting even..

  12. Unfortunately, we live in a society based on instant gratification and the belief that there is always something better out there.  It's sad, really, that most of the younger generations were not raised with the sense of commitment and decency that many of us share.

  13. I cheated when I was 19 because I was unhappy that we never spent any time together. Every time I tried to end it, he always came up with a reason why we should work it out. (He was cheating too)

    I was the other person too (With an ex I couldn't get out of my system, purely physical)

    Two decades later and so much wiser...

    I am now happily married and we both agree that if we ever wanted out just say so.

    I think it all comes down to being responsible for your actions.

  14. For some pathetic people, yes it is.

  15. My husband cheated a couple times when we first started dating. 2 kids later, he still has "rules" to follow if he wants to stay a family. If he doesn't like it, he can leave but he came back to me begging for another chance so he gets to follow my guidelines. I trust him now but still don't approve of him having female friends outside of our married friends.  

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