
Is it really that important to take a one-daily vitamin?

by Guest64173  |  earlier

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eh? like will it really benefit my health? what are the short and long term noticeable effects that i will see from continued use of a once daily vitamin?




  1. Probably not much, as long as you are healthy otherwise.  It's a quick, easy, inexpensive adjunct to a healthy lifestyle.  If you eat reasonably well, get a decent amount of exercise, and get out in the sun for a minimal amount of time once in a while, you may not need anything that the vitamin provides.  Taking a multivitamin will probably not save you from speeding trains, make you super-resistant to disease, or keep you from developing cancer or any other long-term disease.  Do I still take one?  Yes, I do.  And I recommend them.

    I think they're really important for children, because during development you just don't want to take chances.  If you are a woman of childbearing age and you have any intention of becoming pregnant, it's a good idea to take a supplement of folic acid.  Given that, it's just as easy to take it in the multivitamin form and get everything else at the same time.  If you're a vegan or you have other dietary restrictions, you may need to take certain nutrients as supplements because they will not be in your regular diet.  But those are kind of specialized cases.

    I tend to encourage people to think of them as insurance policies.  You MAY never need the supplemental backup, but if you ever do it's nice to have it.

  2. it would give you stronger immune system and could make you feel healthy... But I think it's not really a necessity just make sure to eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables, and exercise. stay fit c;

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