
Is it really true for all virgo men?

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i have a relationship with a guy who acts exactly base on his zidac sign as i checked his sign i found that. im just curious to know if it really like that? virgo men really dont show their emotions easily and dont stick to their girls much at the begining?




  1. Virgo people have the most difficult personalities,female or male.I should know,I am one:)

    The thing is,we are emotional and sensitive and we can be romantic as well BUT all our feelings are under severe control.And we're worried and insecure about ourselves all the time.What we need is someone we can fully trust,someone who will take our heavy,bleeding hearts and take it somewhere safe and warm.

    And unfortunately,Leo is not capable of relating to that.You are very confident,strong,passionate and open about your feelings.So you two are on totally different pages.But with enough patience on your part,and compromise on his part,you can work it out.

  2. my rising sign is Sagitarius and i guess my quirky sense of fun would appeal to a Leo man - depends really if the guy likes to party with chichen soup - so it really depends on the aspects of the personality and mutual reception - dreamy or what whoa ! although - maybe - duh ! - just kidding okay ?

  3. It is true.  They are charmers in the beginning, only enough to get you on their coat tail.  When you don't sweat them they lose interest.  When you do sweat them, they get cocky.

  4. i know may virgo men, i've been out with one virgo man, and it didn't last very long, just a couple of months. He never showed his true feelings and never told me how he felt. I know more virgo men that are exactly like this too, maybe it's not true for many virgo men, but for the ones i know it is exactly right. As for sticking to their girls, well the ones i know do, but they seem very cold about it in the process, Virgo's tend to be extremely critical too which is so off putting, but maybe it's not true for all virgo men but in my experience it is. But maybe it's because I'm a Libran woman and we just didn't click.

    oo a Leo! i guess it's because you're a fiery sign and he's an earth that you don't tend to get along very well, because fire signs can tend to be very affectionate, especially leos, they also tend to be quite passionate and caring, and you probably feel this way because being a virgo he is quite cold hearted and it's unusual for you to be with someone, who doesn't share their feelings very well,when leos tend to be bold characters.

    hope i helped :)

  5. Virgo people are not very emotional. a little cold there. and not very demonstrative either. Rather practical and down-to-earth. They rate very low on the romance front.

    But I should think they would be loyal and stick to their mates. Unless he's very young, in which case the tendency to be flighty would be higher.

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