
Is it really true that China is the strongest country compared to America and any other countries?

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Is it really true that China is the strongest country compared to America and any other countries?




  1. No.  Take Vietnam, for example.  It took the Vietnamese over 100 years to kick out the French.  It took Vietmanese Communists 15 years to defeat South Vietnam and its American supporters.  China tried to invade Vietnam twice in the 1980s, but failed both times within months.

    What you need to inderstand about China is that it's not really a country in the Western sense of the word; it's a loose collection of provinces, many of which are populated primarily by non-Chinese.  Even within the Chinese, there are serious language and cultural barriers between Mandarin-speaking North and Cantonese-speaking South.  What it means is that the central government, which on paper controls the country, needs to tread very carefully to assure that provincial governments wouldn't sabotage its efforts.

    In my opinion (and I'll be the first person to admit I am in the minority), China is very successfully moving towards a civilized break-up.  A good analogy is India; it used to be a loose collection of princedoms until the British unified it; as soon as the British were gone, Pakistan split off, only to see itself split into Pakistan proper and Bangladesh.  Not to mention Sri Lanka with its close cultiral ties, but no desire for political unification...

  2. China has the largest  largest population and so is a potentially powerful county even when it is relatively poor. However in the last few decades  it have become richer and is growing faster that industrialize nations so there will be a time when it will  again also have the largest economy. See graphs at

  3. I think America is still the worlds leading superpower, but we are in a state of decline. China is rising rapidly and may be number two behind us, depending how you measure.  Many experts believe China will surpass us and become number one in about 20 to 30 years.

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