
Is it really true that chinen yuri have a friendster?

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  1. Actually she can tell she is friend whit them i mean if you are close to those friends plus if she was  a fan why seh have picture of her japanese mobile blo amuse entertiament whit Jumps memeber??

    plus she dont ahve Myspace popele are pretendin to be her now
    so stop yo all f****n fans about that just go to her japanese mobile blog and see her pic whti chii and yamada theya re nice

  2. yes i agree she is a die hard fan of them ! because if she is friend's with them , she wouldn't tell anyone that she is friends with them , she will get stalk and will have a lot of fans questioning her and causing trouble for JUMP! it IS OBVIOUS that she isn't and just telling lies like those other fakers on enternet ! why make this girl , Umichan not fake like thee others ? so believe me or not about her , i think she's a fake friend of theirs , telling lies and so on ! i mean ! it is the enterent , anyone can say that and post pictures and so on ! there are stalkers who would stalk JUMP private lives , take pictures of them at home or in school ! or even record them .

  3. i think that umi girl is just their die hard fan

  4. yes i agree with Guest16196455

    fans onnline are being fooled by myspace JUMP .
    i tried to tell them, but i don't think my words gets through them ..

    and umm ... i think they believe the jump myspace because
    of that Umichan girl >.<

  5. REAL chinen yuri doesnt have a friendster nor myspace

  6. hmm yuri does not have friendster, and i don't think he would have myspace .

  7. no he only have mysapce and is private not all people can add Chine yuri in myspace
    In myspace his name is japanese

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