
Is it really true that there are no atheists in foxholes?

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Is it really true that there are no atheists in foxholes?




  1. No, in fact there are some that used to post on here. And their sacrifice is much more brave and real than the phony sacrifice jesus made.

  2. No. The Chinese Red Army are notorious for popping out of or skulking in foxholes, and there are millions and millions of them and they all have little books on communism in their battledress pockets to help them subvert the free western world.

  3. No thats a myth

  4. Maybe you should ask the foxes. Unless you mean the hole that is Fox news, then it is true.

  5. No, it is certainly not true - it's just an insulting adage.

  6. That's right. We're right out on the battlefield.

  7. No, just another coercive scare tactic from our religious friends.  They would like you to believe that everyone facing their own death is too cowardly in their convictions not to embrace their silly story.  This is disrespectful and insulting.

  8. It is really really true.

  9. No, but there are foxes in atheist-holes.

  10. I was one

  11. I don't think it would be easy to have the sense of duty to be there and no sense of higher purpose to go along with it.

  12. If all the atheists were in foxholes then where would the foxes go?

  13. No, it is not true.

  14. Yes...and there are no atheists in bed either. Know how I know? cuz nearly everyone says "oh my god (or oh, sweet jesus)... I'm coming..." when they climax! LMAO

  15. Of course not.

  16. Well since my friend just got deployed in the military and he's an atheist... I can say without a doubt there is at least one atheist in a foxhole.  

  17. Nope. I know atheists who have served or are serving active duty.  

  18. I'd say that it's not true. I'm a Christian, but have some atheist friends who are military veterans and fought in wars. They were atheists when they enlisted, and atheists when they left the military. Heavy combat didn't make them magically convert. I know a World War II vet who saw some particularly intense fighting, and remained a staunch atheist until his death (and there was no deathbed conversion, either).

  19. In my case, no...

  20. I don't know, but if that is true, it really is true that there would be no war without religion.

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