I wanna apply to a job abroad and hospitality industry is my special interest. I plan to apply jobs in hotels and I already have 3 certificates of trainings namely culinary, bartending and food and beverage services, only one thing that is lacking to me is that I dont have any ojt or working experiences yet. Is it really better to apply to a job after securing my ON THE JOB TRAINING? if you were and employeer would you really prefer for the OJT and WORKING EXPERIENCE and not only those certificates like the one I have now?
Does my certificate of trainings is not enough to you? please explain more briefly as I am now really eager to have a carrear in hospitality industry. Thank you so much and more power in advance
I am Rizaldy Ryan M. Abas, 23 years old from Philippines
I have seen job ads on the net for hotels resorts etc and they all prefer for working experience please justify thanks