
Is it really volunteering if they make you volunteer?

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When I was in high school, my school used to make us do 30 hours of community service. I was one of the few kids who was honest enough to actually do it. I would volunteer at libraries, churches, etc. Most other kids just lied and said they did it. My point is, is it really volunteering if they make you? Don't they have a word for being forced to work without pay? Isn't it called, slavery?




  1. Schools are just pointers to our Later stage of life.. Certain things which are taught or told to do doesnot mean anything during that time.. We understand those meanins later.. You had pointed out a very good example... this will be come a burning fire to help the society..... You should be thankful to your school who had taught this.. There are so many people who at the edge of the life after 50 or 60 years realise that they had not done anything for the society just becuase they are not exposed to that kind of environment........

    It will be better if you take this in positive sense and start contributing to the society...IT is not SLAVERY... if you have time, speak to the principal or the teachers and understand why they included in the curriculum..


  2. It's not slavery because they aren't holding you there against your will.

    That said... I used to work doing fund-raising, and we called those people "volun-tolds" not volunteers, because they're being told to volunteer.  ;o)  Good term, if you ask me!

    I'm surprised those kids didn't have to get letters from the org where they volunteered... we were required to have that so we couldn't lie about doing it.

  3. It's part of your education, and experience that future employers and universities will like.

  4. I'm guessing the volunteering portion of it, is at least letting you pick the place.

    Most schools require it as part of a class. That way they can say it is a project that's required to pass the class.

    I didn't have to do it in school, but I know people who's school had them do it.

  5. uhmm it depends what your doing it for.

    for school its for responsibility lol but slavery is close lol.

    and yes your still a volunnter even if they make you voulunteer.

  6. As Dr. V said it's part of your education.  You are learning some skills by doing this.  The people who lied about doing it are only cheating themselves.  You will have some good experiences which you can use on your resume, and possibly help you decide on on a career.  The other people won't have that.

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