
Is it really worth going for Contact lenses?

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especially if the prescription lens is stronger and therefore more costly?..




  1. I agree with the two answers before me. It really depends on your demands. If you care about how you look and what others think of your outside, then contacts may be worth the hassle.

    If you just want to replace glasses with them, then I don't see why you should. They are costly to use and maintain over a period of time and there are risks which are run when using them such as infections.

  2. I personally think it is worth getting them.  There are some activities that easier to do with contacts over glasses.  I also prefer my appearance with contacts over glasses.  I know they can be a little more work, but I feel they are worth it.

  3. Contact lenses are one of those "depends on" type of things. Of course you have to worry about dust and particles getting trapped in your eye, but you also have to worry about that too with glasses. Eye drops work fantastic for that though. They're mainly a personal preference. If you like them and would rather wear them than glasses then they're worth the hassle. If you don't like to spend sometimes 20 minutes poking your eye to get them in, then I'm sure that they're not for you. I have an astigmatism in my one and I find that somedays contact lenses aren't worth the hassle so I just put on my glasses. In any case though, contacts are worn constantly it's not like you take them off everyonce and while during the day, so it makes that part a little easier.

  4. Yeh.. think so esp coz it enhances ur personality ( coz specs do not actually suit some peoples face). Yea but its a hassle in terms of time and handling. But if it enhances ur personality, its worth the effort. When at home prefer specs and when outside prefer lenses.

  5. Contact lenses are a pain in the behind.  Your eyes get dry and you're always either rinsing the lenses clean, or adding drops to your eyes.

    And, when it's windy, dust kicks up and gets between a lens and your eye, and you're in the middle of nowhere with few options for fixing the difficulties.

    And if you ever fall asleep with your lenses in, watch out.  Big trouble.

    They're just a hassle.  And you've got to clean them all the time.  Big pain.

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