
Is it really worth it from people?

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I am very different than most people, in many ways. Mainly because of my views. Here are some examples:

I love traveling and I like to read about countries. I have researched every country in the world. My idea of paradise isn't sitting on the beach with a margarita. My idea of paradise is trekking through the Arabian Desert, in Saudi Arabia, with camels or backpacking in the Hindu Kush in Afghanistan. That is a different view than most people.

I enjoy reading and I do it often. But I don't like fiction, very much, and I despise Harry Potter. I prefer to read encyclopedias and atlases because I love reading about the world. Another view that is different.

I like to learn about different views in the world. I don't like it when a person believes his/her view is right and another's is wrong. I like to learn many views and make a judgment for myself. In the case of religion, I am against it. I believe religion is absurd and the sigh of the oppressed creature. But I made that judgment based upon years of reading about it. I've research Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Zoroastrianism. I declare myself an atheist. But I still respect other views. Same goes with people. I am not one to say Osama Bin Laden is an idiot and should be shot. I try to understand his views and then make a judgment.

Anyways, my point is that why can't people accept MY views? I am so often attacked for just about everything I believe in. People can't seem to accept that I like rap, I want to travel to Afghanistan, I read about terrorists, etc. I am so often harassed for my views. Why do people have to insult me and my views when they conflict instead of just accepting a difference?




  1. I certainly do accept your views and so will the majority of people out there. We need more individuals like you who think for themselves and bring their own unique touch to life. How boring would it be if we all thought and acted the same way. You should definitely go to the desert it is fantastic. I lived in Qatar(maybe you have researched it?) when I was younger and it was brilliant. Good luck with everything.

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