I am very different than most people, in many ways. Mainly because of my views. Here are some examples:
I love traveling and I like to read about countries. I have researched every country in the world. My idea of paradise isn't sitting on the beach with a margarita. My idea of paradise is trekking through the Arabian Desert, in Saudi Arabia, with camels or backpacking in the Hindu Kush in Afghanistan. That is a different view than most people.
I enjoy reading and I do it often. But I don't like fiction, very much, and I despise Harry Potter. I prefer to read encyclopedias and atlases because I love reading about the world. Another view that is different.
I like to learn about different views in the world. I don't like it when a person believes his/her view is right and another's is wrong. I like to learn many views and make a judgment for myself. In the case of religion, I am against it. I believe religion is absurd and the sigh of the oppressed creature. But I made that judgment based upon years of reading about it. I've research Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Zoroastrianism. I declare myself an atheist. But I still respect other views. Same goes with people. I am not one to say Osama Bin Laden is an idiot and should be shot. I try to understand his views and then make a judgment.
Anyways, my point is that why can't people accept MY views? I am so often attacked for just about everything I believe in. People can't seem to accept that I like rap, I want to travel to Afghanistan, I read about terrorists, etc. I am so often harassed for my views. Why do people have to insult me and my views when they conflict instead of just accepting a difference?