
Is it really wrong to buy a car for a status symbol?

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Say if you are a doctor/lawyer/executive etc. Would you want someone to see you driving a civic or worse a neon or kia to a meeting or surgery? As opposed to say, a BMW, Merc, or Porsche.




  1. There's nothing wrong with it if that's what floats your boat.  I'm a lawyer and I drive an inexpensive compact.  I don't care about cars and I won't pay a lot for one.  Other people feel differently.

    I also don't get off on Gucci or LV bags.  To others, they are the most important thing in the world.  If you can afford them - have at it.

  2. It's wrong to define yourself with your material possessions and/or career.  

  3. Wrong? No.

    Silly? Yes.

    The wealthiest person I ever knew personally (very close to being a billionaire) drove a Toyota Camry and lived in a 2800-square foot house.

    When I see a doctor or lawyer driving an expensive car, I don't equate "success" with that person. I just tell myself, "they certainly don't mind carrying that huge car payment each month!"

  4. It's not really wrong it's just stupid. Why care so much about what people think about you? Plus it's not like your patient would know what kind of car you were driving.

    If I became wealthy I would buy many expensive cars, but that's because the cars are nice not because I want people to know I'm rich.  

  5. Is it wrong. Probably.  But people do it any way.

    Many average people who MUST feel like they have to get many degrees and diplomas.  That is not so different from getting expensive cars, houses, etc. either.


    >> then why are your people so obsessed with Gucci or LV bags and designer clothes.. etc.etc.

    Because not EVERYBODY don't care.

    good Luck...

    P.S.  I own a 2000 Audi A4 (spotless and runs like new) and ALSO 94 Civic (kind of dented but still runs like new).  I hardly ever drive the A4.  I just love the Civic.

  6. The people that have money don' t need to show it off.  It's the people who think they have money, who want to feel like they have money and want others to believe they have money that buy cars like that.

    It's called being shallow and fake.

    Most rich people drive older cars that are paid off.  

  7. No! if you like the car and can afford it buy it, who cares what anyone else thinks.

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