
Is it reason enough for a woman who already had two girls to abort the next one for being a girl?

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Its still "her body" whether it is going to be a girl or boy?

What is your opinion on s*x-selective abortions?




  1. Tell that to God!For someone to murder a innocent little soul for that that reason is evil and twisted.

  2. hummm here is a problem...

    "An official estimate says that, by 2020, there may be 30 million men of marriageable age who will not be able to find a wife." (in china)

  3. Western cultures have always reviled this practice and that's why the numbers of males and females in their populations are relatively even. I do believe in a woman's right to choose but only in the first trimester but to have an abortion purely for s*x selection is sick.

    Edit: The recent earthquakes in China are showing what problems are occurring with that country's one-child policy. Many families have lost their only child in the earthquakes and they can't have another one for a variety of reasons.

    I can't help but wonder if the gender imbalance is going to prompt young men in China to move to the US in hopes of finding women. Many couples have adopted girls from that country and for many of them, that's their only hope of getting a Chinese wife, However, these girls have grown up as Americans so they aren't likely to be eager to live in a country where they are considered inferior. As a result, the men end up living in the US, often far away from their parents and can't care for them. The women, being Americans, probably won't be as eager to care for his parents as a true Chinese woman would so if he brings them over, she likely won't want them living with them.

  4. It's not just her body. The new human growing inside her has the same right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happinress that ALL of creation has. Is she going to kill a little girl just because her FATHER planted an x-chromosome sperm instead of a Y?

    If s*x can be determined, then it is a life, not a disease.

  5. A woman will have an abortion if she really wants one.  Simple as that.  Only the excuse and rationalization will change.  They are looking for any reason to abort and not have a guilty conscience.

  6. An abortion should only be performed if there is a good reason, and that does not constitute a good reason.

  7. s*x-selective abortions are a horrible practice.  In India and China, they are creating a shocking gender imbalance.

    Most abortions in western countries occur before gender testing is possible.

  8. Legally, yes, she doesn't even need to have a reason.

    Morally, I'd say no, but that's my personal belief.

  9. Simply put, they are wrong.

  10. Yes it is her body to do with as she chooses. My opinion is that I do not agree with s*x selective abortions.

  11. Its still "her body" whether it is going to be a girl or boy?

    What a joke? The fact that you can bear a child is a blessing. Why would you want to alter it for selfish reasons? Sure, it's your choice...that's too simplistic.

  12. What?! I've never heard of that, and I'm absolutely repulsed by the fact that people do things like that.  How disgusting!

  13. What //// You cannot be serious about such a question ; you are playing God and you think it will never come back to hunt you ; well I have a really bad news for you ; because you do it ; and you will never had a second of peace of mind for the rest of your life .

  14. The Chinese government wrote the book on this one.

  15. Under current US law, it is appropriate, even after the first trimester, since the third baby being a girl would cause mental anguish, and the health of the mother is adequate cause. That "health of the mother" phrase is big enough to drive a truck through.

  16. In China and India - both seriously patriarchial cultures where boys are valued over girls - women sometimes have no choice and are pressured into it.

  17. how about this, do you think it would be right for you to be murdered for being a female? i laugh when i think that your parents may have wanted a boy and let you live. true true its your body, but the one inside of you is not.

  18. You might not ask this question if your husband's family had just tied you up in your sari, doused you with petrol and set fire to you, in the hope he would become 'free' by your death to marry a woman who would give him sons.

    The societies in which s*x selective abortion are common are invariably those in which male offspring are more highly valued than female, and in which women are punished socially, economically and sometimes physically for not having sons.

    Until you change the value those societies put on female offspring, you will not change the use of s*x selective abortion as a technique to acquire more sons.

    You may also wish to consider that being berated for carrying a female foetus, and threatened with harsh treatment unless the next kid is a boy does NOT guarantee an actual 'choice' as most of us would understand the term.

    Cheers :-)

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