
Is it reasonable for my wife to ask what I want for dinner when she has not provided an adequate menu?

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I mean, I don't know what's in the fridge/freezer, do I?




  1. You and I could be friends. hahahha...

  2. really? this is your question?  

  3. yes

  4. Mature adults sit down and plan a menu together well ahead of time.  In my house, my wife and I print out a menu calendar and fill it in a week ahead.  That tell us what we need in the way of groceries during our weekly shopping trip.  We found it actually saves us money - as much as fifty dollars a week when we started doing that...and given the price of gas, every step we can take to save while still living a reasonably comfortable life is worth the tiny bit of extra effort.

  5. I kno its tough and unfair on you,coz,walking up to the refrigerator nd looking what's inside is such a herculean task,isn't it? My heartfelt sympathies...  

  6. Only if she hasn't first slammed an uncooked T.V. dinner over your head!

  7. It seems  that you  dont  care  yr  partner properly,Why  dont  you  know  what are in your  own  house?

  8. Mhh, next time your wife ask you the same question, please be a gentleman and ask about the options available and if you have a favourite dish, it will be great if you just say it is what you want. We women have this need to please our loved ones even if it is only once i a while.

    And you will go far ifyou will also take an interst in teh kitchen as you do in other areas in your life.  

  9. This question is only going to get you a lot of hate.

  10. You know what, you better be counting your Blessings that she is your wife, because, she asked "what you want for dinner", now if it were me and with the attitude you are portraying, you would know what was in the freezer, because, you would be in there with it and I would be out having a steak and lobster dinner.  Give the woman a break - JEEZ.

    God Bless.

  11. How about if you men take the time to join us when we( wives) go grocery shopping you would know what's in the refrigerator and the freezer because you'll have assisted her with what is a more difficult job to do alone then any of you men take time to consider ever. Stop sitting around watching every and any sport that comes on the tv, stop sitting there waiting on a game that won't be on for another two, three or four hours. you could have helped at the store and also help her get the groceries in the house and unpacked, maybe even help out with preparing half the meal then she or us wives wouldn't fix our mouths to ask you what obviously sounds like a stupid question. What would you like to have for dinner?  Wives think that husband's ask an extremely stupid question or questions daily. What's for dinner? Why haven't you cooked yet? or honey i'm hungry, how long is it going to be before dinner is ready? stupid is what stupid does, ok think about it. Just help out rather you worked a 8, 10 or 12 hour day, we would appreciate you men doing a little something to help out in the kitchen more too.

  12. Seriously?  

  13. Get off your lazy butt and look in the refrigerator.  It only takes a couple of minutes.  If you were my husband you would be cooking half of the time anyway, so you would know what was in there!!

  14. I'm sure you have asked such questions before: 'Is is ok to give my wife a coffee break if she hasn't finished the housework?' or something along those lines.

    I'd say, next time she goes shopping, tell her to stick a vibrator on the list.  At least then, if she has one,  she has sole responsibility for pleasing herself and you shouldn't have to worry about such life changing and contraversial questions.  

  15. Seems to me, you haven't trained her very well.

  16. Have you provided an adequate p***s?  Probably not.  Don't complain.

  17. Wow! Your lucky she asks you - My husband has to eat whatever I cook and I do the same. I might ask him occasionally what he wants and then give him a choice, but most of the time he just says whatever.  

  18. yes -polite conversation  

  19. I understand your question.  My wife voluntarily cooks for me everynight and calls me at work and asks me what I want for dinner and my question back is what is there.  She generally will tell me my choices and then I choose one or two.

    Yes folks there are still Wives out there who enjoy cooking for there husbands and do it voluntarily without being asked and the husband is not a pig or lazy.

  20. You don't know what is in your own fridge? Wow is all I can say.  

  21. My husband and I go grocery shopping together so we both know what's in the fridge, or pantry.  But if you don't want to go shopping with her, or don't have time to, when she asks what you want ask her what she feels like cooking, or what you have to cook, or you could just tell her to make whatever she wants to make.  My husband and I trade off making dinner, but we always ask what the other person wants before we start the cooking.  And usually I ask a day in advance, so if we don't have it I can get it.  You might want to talk with your wife on this.

  22. If she is going to cook for you . . .don't complain.

    She's just trying to be nice and/or carry on a conversation.

  23. Yes...Tell her to make you a menu and make her curtsy as she serves you dinner

  24. You must be a bit slow.

    Tell her what you want and she will go shopping for it...... I mean its really bad to give someone false hope....

  25. menu?

    wake up its 2008 - you're lucky to have a wife with that attitude.

    do you ever cook a meal for her?

    have you any idea how boring it is to think every day - "what shall i

    cook for dinner"?

    and why don't you go shopping with her and maybe talk to each other

    about what you are going to eat , and maybe how's she's feeling.

  26. Honey, just be thankful she asks.

    My boyfriend is lucky to get anything.

  27. Hey be looking at the fridge  en be helping your wife it can be better

  28. what? ill throw u in the bleeding freezer all u have to do is this look in the freezer decide what u want ask the wife do she want the same then she can cook it also what stops you from cooking the flamming meal oh poor u uve been working all day TOUGH  

  29. you better zip the lips if you don't want trouble you can cook or learn how to keep the peace life gets easier if you do

  30. you're a pig. get up off your fat **** and look yourself

  31. you have not trained her well enough. first , she should call you SIR !!  i will give you an example : sir , what would you like to have for dinner , sir ??  we have .... and .... in the fridge and i will cook  what you like. what veggies would you like sir ??  fruit ?? salad ?? dessert ?? beverage ??  potato's ?? please sit down and rest dear , i know you have worked hard today , so i will  prepare you meal while you relax. honey , when we have finished dinner, i will clean the dishes and then give you that massage . anything else , sir ??  yes , i will do that too.  good-night dear , sleep well .   if she is not responding to you this way , you should set her straight. i hope this helps.  maybe you should buy that  book : training your wife for dummies....

    edit :  i personally believe that a man should be treated like a king by his wife. he is your protector { most are if they love you } . he is the strong one, and you lean on him for support. some women think they are in a 50/50 relationship . on some things i will say yes, 50/50 . the main decisions should be a man's , beause he asked you to be his wife { lover , maybe mother of his kids , companion , friend , mate } . if you agree and become Mrs. ???  you should give him the honor of being the letting him wear the pants in the family. go ahead , give me thumbs down..i like them.. women , support your husbands , it is the right thing to do !!

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