
Is it reasonable to believe that the 5 conditions of the hardy-weinberg law allele frequency .?

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will they always be met by population?




  1. No.  The conditions that are required for a true Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium are theoretical conditions and these conditions set the stage for a mathematical equation to be true.  Basically these conditions take away any variability and allow you to look at just the allele frequencies without worrying if the frequencies are changing.  Allele frequency can change due to mutations, genetic drift, etc.  In the real world, the Hardy-Weinberg conditions are rarely, if ever, met in any population.  There is almost always migration into and out of a population, mutations occurring and other factors affecting the frequency of the alleles in the population.  However, the Hardy-Weinberg equation allows us to do very good estimates of allele frequency and changes in frequency.  Although the conditions are absolutely required to be met in order for the Hardy-Weinberg equation to be absolutely true, it turns out that even if some of the conditions are violated in small ways, we can still use the equation to calculate allele and genotype frequency very accurately, so the equation is still useful even if some conditions are not met.

  2. Yes. Because this has been tested through times.

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