
Is it reasonably safe for an American to live in Brazil?

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I mean, if an average american moved to Rio De Janeiro, from Dallas, Tx is it any more dangerous than living in america




  1. It is more dangerous and requires more caution, bit it is reasonably safe.  If you live in Brazil for 5-10 years, you are probably going to be the victim of a crime once, maybe twice.  If you let them have everything, you will be left unharmed.  My friend's father is French and lived in Rio for 19 years before he was ever the victim of a crime when he was carjacked.  You can avoid this the shorter you live ther and the less conspicuous your wealth is.

  2. I know crime in Rio is a bit bad, but I doubt you're gonna get targeted jsut cause you're american. I mean don't be walking around with a rolex and diamond rings, ya know? Dress and act like a brazilian.  Just be smart and be aware of your surroundings.

  3. There are parts of New Orleans and Washington that are highly Dangerous.

    In Rio you just have to be careful .

    Do not wear US Clothes , and do not walk on the beach night night, and do not go into favelas without a Brazilian.

    I forgot to say, I'm moving down to Rio in August

  4. you  got  to  falas  Portuguese..

  5. Many Brazilians had been murdered or "only" stolen in U.S.A., but you don't see Brazilians saying "Oh! God I am going to travel to the United States but I heard that it is thus dangerous there. Murders, devilish boys who attacks High Schools, snipers that aim rifles and kills any one in the streets, airplanes that collide with buildings, policemen that arrest any one for any thing but do not arrest the true dangerous criminals, Brazilian  accused to kill who the local natives had killed. Oh! What horrible place! Can I ,really, travel for there ?".

  6. There is crime everywhere, I would suggest finding out everything you can about how the laws work & stuff b/c I'm sure it's different than US. I wouldn't recommend it if you're a woman on your own. All I can suggest is research as much as you can!

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