
Is it recommended to neuter a beagle? Male?

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my beagle is getting close to 6 months and still can't decide whether to get him neutered of not? Does any one have any suggestions for a full bread beagle.




  1. Yes.

    Beagles are escape artists, they're roamers, and they have an instinct to chase moving targets without regard for fences, gates, and the human yelling at them to come back.

    Neutering your boy will reduce his urge to wander off, along with the likelihood of you finding him splattered across the asphalt at an intersection three blocks from your house.

  2. Yes! It's always important to spay and neuter your pets. Pets that aren't spayed and neutered do breed. Sometimes through fences and kennels, sometimes by digging out of or into the yard. Get him fixed and he'll be healthier happier dog, especially if it's before he becomes fully mature. :)

    Pets that breed accidentally or unintentionally only add to the pet over-population.

  3. If you aren't going to show this dog, you should definitely have your purebred Beagle neutered.  There are more puppies born every day than there are homes for them.

  4. full bread? thats enough

    go on

  5. ALWAYS spay and neuter your pets!! :]

  6. Yes,neuter him.Beagles like to roam as it is,and if you get him neutered,he'll be less likely to roam,as he won't care about a dog in heat.Also,it helps prevent aggressive behavior ( and yes,beagles can be aggressive -they are stubborn little devils),prostate and testicular cancer,and makes it easier to housebreak them. It's just better for everyone involved.

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