
Is it relatively safe to drive to Baja Mexico?

by Guest62049  |  earlier

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I want to know if it is safe to take your american car and drive to Baja Mexico. Do I just need to buy insurance from Mexico.




  1. Driving at night is definitely not recommended in Baja and caution should be taken in remote areas and not-so-great areas of Tijuana and along the border.  People I know who have done this (for camping trips, etc.) have taken cars that run well (to avoid breakdowns) but are old and aren't worth much so as not to attract much attention.

    Keep in mind if you get in an accident in Mexico, you are likely to be taken to a police station until fault is established and financial matters are resolved.  You do need Mexican insurance.

  2. I have made the trip many times (often by myself) and I find the trip is safe.  You can buy mexican insurance over the border and yes you need to buy it.  I use Segunda or Groupo National.  It doesn't matter who.

    Safety tips:  

    1. Please don't drive at night - there are animals, and cars without headlights.

    2. Take extra supplies with you.  Water, spare tire, extra gas.  Some of the gas stations in smaller towns run out of gas.  

    3. Don't stop for anyone trying to flag you down.  If it appears serious drive to the next town and tell someone or call 066 (mexican 911)

    4. Stay on the main roads, don't go off on a side venture.

    5. If you do break down, stay with your car.  

    6. Semi trucks usually drive down the center of the roadway.  You may come upon them suddenly and since there are no shoulders you could be run off the road...practice defensive driving.

    Alot of tourists aren't aware that the Mexican gov't have a free service for tourists. We call them the green angels.  They are men in green and white towtrucks that drive up and down their assigned parts of the baja highway and stop and help you if you are broken down or have a flat tire.  I can't tell you what a relief it is to have them pull up!

    Have a great trip.

  3. There is always a risk going anywhere,especially to somewhere you don't know. I would opt for that insurance. It's better to be safe than sorry.

  4. Yes, it is safe.  Here is my fav. Mexican car ins. , place and some info on driving the Baja Highway.

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