
Is it revolting to see a dog poo?

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humans look revolting pooing in the street

its against the law for a human to poo in street

a dog is less important yet allowed to do so

why are my feelings not respected as i find it absolutely repulsive

to have to see, smell and step over dog poo

this should not ever be allowed under any circumstances

now if you answer "WELL MY DOG HAS TO GO SOMEWHERE"

my reply to you is YES IN YOUR MOUTH via the tube im goin to connect via a vacuum so you dont loose a bit

thank you NEXT




  1. dogs can't sit on a toilet genius! humans can.

    obviously, people who live in apartments have to walk their dog so that they can do their business. but responsible pet owners pick up after them. the type of people who don't pick it up are the same ones that are probably mistreating their pets too. it shows a lack of common decency.

  2. well where i live dogs aren't allowed to poo on the street, unless it is absolutely desperate and the owner picks it up straight away. if they do not pick it up they face a £1000 fine. the dogs are only allowed to go toilet in their gardens, or in our local fields, parks, and greens, but still have to pick up the poo immidiatly or they will face a fine if somebody sees. and where on earth do you live where you see people pooing on the street?!?! thats disgusting i have never seen anybody going toilet in the street.

  3. You are obviously having a problem with nature my dear. my dog poo, I bag it and put it in the bin. SO WHAT'S THE PROBLEM???

  4. yes, but i actually picked up dog poo every day for almost an entire summer so i am totally used to it.

  5. humans know better, and in a lot of places, it is illegal to leave dog poo just laying there, the owner has to pick it up and throw it away.

  6. Given that this is a worldwide problem, I highly doubt it is going to go away so you had best get used to it. If it helps, just close your eyes and think of England.

  7. everyone poos including you

  8. well, to you, my friend, I say this- my little pooch can go potty wherever she wants to because it's our yard and as long as you're not on it, then we're all happy. I don't take my dog to poo in public places, she goes on our yard and if you have a problem with it, quit watching dogs poo and stay off peoples' properties.

  9. i dont know where you live but some places ban dogs from doing that unless the owner has a bag to pick it up with immediately. a dog is an animal, it is not like a human, it is an animal, so harden up and learn to get over it captain winger

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