
Is it ridiculous that the first thing out of some people's mouths is "she's hot and she's a soccer mom"?

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Seriously, is this an actual tie-breaker for some people? Are we really this shallow? And I blame the media too. Their 24 hour news cycle, zest for turning everything into a drama, and boredom cause these fake infatuations to be manufactured out of the blue.




  1. Yeah seriously, it's unbelievable that the people who are supposed to be supporting and voting for McCain/Palin are calling her a 'MILF' soccer mom.  I would expect those to be used as childish insults by people who don't like her, not by her own supporters!

    If your criteria for the person to be one old man's heartbeat away from the presidency is that she be hot, you need to re-evaluate your criteria big time.

    Then again, these are the people who elected Bush because he's the guy they'd 'have a beer with'.  I guess you can't expect much better from them.

  2. Yes, it is ridiculous.  I might add the age and education of some who would consider those two items as qualities for Vice-President.

  3. Don't care about the soccer stuff.  If god wanted us to play soccer, he wouldn't have given us arms, besides, she's a hockey mom.

    Hot?  Yep that did it for me.  I'd rather see her on the morning talk shows rather than Biden the chia pet.

  4. many people can say that one of the highest ranking leaders in the country is a milf?

  5. I agree there are other things we should be caring about!

  6. Obama is honored for how well he talks? The substance doesn't matter. There was a part of shakespears play. You read it and it asks you if its beautiful. Of course. Then it asks you how meaningful it is. Then you say very. Then it asked you what it is actually saying. Then you really read it and realize it is dribble by itself. It was just one paragraph but it showed me how easily people can be affected by meaningless words put to rhythm and elocuence.  

  7. everyone get's all excited over the good talker, so why not

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