
Is it right 2 bake strawberry cupcakes every night and rub them all over my body while singing britney spears?

by  |  earlier

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i really like oops i did it again! it makes me feel tubular!!!! but seriously one time i did a group session and the other ppl in the group thought i was crazy for using strawberry so they switched over to chocolate cake and jessica simpson. im really concerned if strawberry is in my best interest. i dont want to get hurt again like vanilla did to me. please comment i need to know before its too late!




  1. yes. perfectly normal.

  2. thats amazing! i think im gonna start doing that too but im gonna step it up a notch and not just use cupcakes...but bake a full on cake with lots of chocolate and top it off with chocolate sauce.

  3. OMG that is too funny! since vanilla is not a fruit you may be safe with strawberries. but whatch out for chocolate man! it will break your heart!

  4. No, I don't care much for strawberries and so many people are allergic... Maybe a better choice would be red velvet cake or even carrot cake! But if you decide on the carrot cake, you may want to bake one without nuts. They can be somewhat abrasive against your skin.

    Oh and as for your choice in music, I don't care much for Britney or Jessica... Maybe Cher or Bette Midler would be a better choice.

  5. only if they are organic strawberries.

  6. i think coffee flavored with lots of nuts would be more appropriate while singing Britney Spears.

  7. Wow, i love you! I LOVE YOU PLEASE PLEASE MARRY ME! i have the same problem.

    well..i shouldnt be telling anyone about his..but on thirsday nights at 7..there is a 12-step program that deals with your situation.

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