
Is it right for Olympic events to be held earlier in the day to suit American tv times?

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I know money / sponsorship deals would have a massive influence, however as a person not from america i feel that it is not fair for the rest of the viewing world nor the athletes to be forced to compete at irregular times.




  1. the world dont revolve around US u know... there are other countries too..

  2. no b/c everyone is either at work or at school

  3. Umm ya well lets see. I live in America and the only time i get to see the olympics is after 10pm... so lets see. Not really suiting me very well. Get over yourself.. Its freakin 9am in China.. of course they are going to start doing the olympics....  

  4. The World is run by $$$...- And SO are the Olympics. Fairness has NOTHING to do with the Results...  :(

  5. I read in a newspaper (can't remember the date) that it has been moved to earlier times so that Americans can watch Michael Phelps in the swimming, since he has made 8 gold medals. I must agree it is a bit annoying for other countries wanting to watch their athletes at awkward times.  

  6. It's the IOC and Beijing organising committee who changed the event timings in order to maximise US TV revenue.  They could have said no, but then would have received less money for the US TV rights.  

  7. I guess it really depends on the type of sport it is. Certain events are notoriously regarded as morning sports, like Rowing. But I agree with you on that fact. The basketball being played closed to 9 30-10 pm and ending at midnight is insane to me, and is not good for the athletes. But it's not just the United States that have the advantage because of the viewing times. Some places in Canada, the Caribbean, Mexico, South America will also have the same. So it is not just America.

    And uh the answerer who said because everyone is at work or school is right. I can not watch many events I want to watch because they are shown quite late at night and I must be up early in the morning for classes.

  8. Most of the sports are held early. Like track the weather  nicer if you run earlier. It not for us times let me tell you. Gymnastics team around didn't get done till 130 for me and if they wanted to fit it in American schedules they would have it earlier

  9. i agree, it just gives america the idea that the world revolves around them!!

    They should change it, so that it suits the ATHLETES!

  10. No its totally ****. the americans think they rule the world ,and even though its not in their prime time doesn't mean it has to be, cos now its in the middle of the day when some people are at work or school! Bloody americans!

  11. It's totally not fair, The world definately does not revolve around Americans. everything should be made to the convenience on the athletes not the vieweres

  12. they only did that for michael phelps cuz he was going for 8 gold medals and we deserved to be able to watch that primetime. now all the track and field events are in the early morning in the US and they show the replays in primetime.  

  13. So is that why I have to drag myself out of bed in the middle of the night? Because of those d**n Yanks? What a crock!

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