
Is it right for a woman to become a christian when her husband, children, parents, siblings are not?

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definitely lover family members above self and do not want to feel distant or allow conflicts to happen with family members




  1. Yes, it's ok. My hubby is a freethinker, while I am a non-devoted Christian.

  2. yes, I think it is right. Maybe the rest will follow after you set a good example. God loves everyone and will accept anyone into his kingdom at any time.

  3. This can be a loaded issue, and what I mean by that is that it can explode if there is other conflicts.

    Becoming a christian for the right reasons should not cause problems. As long as the woman respects her family's right to chose their religion and not to be preached upon. Remember that everybody has their own personal views on religion and respect them.

    The issues on becoming of one religion that might cause "explosions" in a family is if a person is converting from another religion or if the family is of another religion. Another possible conflict can be if the woman becomes preachy and begins to harass the other family members (I've seen this one happen).

    If the family does not have a religion, there should be no issues.  

  4. Absolutely! Becoming a Christian will help you in all areas of your life and with relationships with others including your family. I became a follower of Christ when I was a child but no one esle in my family was a Christian. I didn't look down on them but I was able to love them more and I would always pray that God would protect them and keep them safe. My Father became a Christian about 5 years later. My mom was into a lot of bad things but I stilled loved her. She was a single mom sacraficing to take care of me (and her bad habits). My being a Christian wasn't a problem with her. She was proud of me and the life I chose. I was a witness to her through my life. I wouldn't preach to her but I always prayed for her. After a close encounter with death, my mother gave her life to the Lord! This is after 20 years of praying for her. I never felt distant from my family and it never caused conflicts. My brother is not a Christian, he loves to party and I love him dearly. I pray for him but I never put him down. I visit him and his family often and he visits my family. He has respect for me so he doesn't bring alcohol or his party nature to my house. And I respect him so I don't preach at him when he is drinking at his house. I do believe my prayers had a huge role in saving my family. It is a wonderful thing to become a Christian, not only for your life and salvation but also for those who you love!

  5. I cant see a problem, I know a guy that sits at my local pub and gambles and drinks all day, and his wife is a Jehovah's Witness, they get along fine and have been married for a long time. She lets him do his thing, and he lets her do hers, and you can tell they still love each other.

    If they know you for who you really are, it shouldnt be a concern.

  6. All it takes is that one person who ever they are to become christian. It is up to that person to teach them christian values and most importantly show them the christian values. With a lot of prayer and faith her family can come around.

  7. Yes,I believe it is our on choice as too what we believe or whom we believe in,your family even though it is not there choice should support your choice. It is not like your telling them that there choice is wrong,you just choose too believe differently. God will be the judge in the in.

  8. depends on how religoius her family is.

    and on her reasons to become christian- if it is just for convinience and they are not that religious either then there is absolutly no problem.

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