
Is it right for my husband to get so mad at me?

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is it ok for my husband to get so mad at me everytime something happens to my son ? i really cant take it anymore. the other time my son fell from the bed my husband nearly hit me. that was his immediate reaction




  1. You are vague on your information.

    If it was truly an accident- no he has no right to be angry.

    However if you are guilty of neglect- he has every right to be upset.

  2. no he is not right by getting mad at you! well kids are so unpredictable!! they do whatever they want you both have to more careful.

  3. Your husband was very worried about the baby and so he doesn't mean really wanted to hit you or cause any aggressive manner. Your husband did that because now you are a mother, you should need more effort to give caring of your baby, not to let your baby to get easily hurt. So doesn't really want to blame you. But your husband was a bit wrong because, he must/should be understand that your are also a mother of the son, you also doesn't want any incident happen to your son. So you and your husband must learn and to be careful for preventing of any thing that will cause dangerous to your son. Not to taking for granted by doing anything.  

  4. Hitting someone is never an acceptable way to express emotion, ever.  If he hits you ever, you and he need to get some counseling.

    As far as why he's getting mad, can you give more details?  Did you leave your 1 month old son on the edge of the bed for the 10th time and he's fallen so much his head is getting misshapen?  You left out his side of the story, so it's hard to give an accurate assessment.

  5. so tell us..

    what is it like walking on eggshells, 24-7?

  6. You did not describe the situation enough to comment.

    Are you a neglectful mother?  How many 'accidents' have there been?

    If I felt someone was neglectful or trying to harm my child, whether it be my spouse or someone outside the family, my first reaction would be to hit them too and I would be extremely angry.


    I can see why your husband is mad.  You are, in my opinion, being neglectful.  Maybe you are a new mom and you are learning.  

    But come on....leave the baby on the bed w/ a pillow next to it and go to sleep?  That is just asking for suffocation or falling or injury from you rolling onto it.

    Giving your child a bath in the sink without removing all items from around the sink...again, you are asking for disaster.  Items need to be removed.  Even if the baby can't actually move stuff yet itself, you could knock it into the sink and hit the baby on the head, or spill it, or another person could walk by and knock it in, or your pets.....

    I am not saying your husband was right, and I am not trying to make you feel bad....but you are being neglectful.

    Part of being a parent is being able to keep them safe.  Half of this is seeing potential danger before it happens.

  7. How old is your son?  does he need more supervision then he;s geting.  does your husband feel that way?  And are the injuried a small scrape or bump or serious?

    Pklease be careful, you should be with someone willing to hit you regardless of the reason.  

  8. My ex husband was exactly the same with our daughter, anything that went wrong he panicked and took it out on me, of course he never meant it but you can only take so many sorry's before you stop believing it.

    If he is like my ex then he is immature and cant handle anything in life, I got out because I could not stand it, my daughter started mimicking him and of course he would not believe me.

    Do what you have to do for you own emotional health, I did and I have never been happier.

  9. Kids fall and get hurt all the time.  What would hurt a child more than anything is seeing his father hit his mother.  A child never gets over that. There is something wrong with you husband, he needs anger management ASAP!!!

  10. no its not right of him, maybe the both of you need to be etra careful in the environment you have your child in.

    No, he doesnt need to be hitting' anyone.

    why dont you talk to him about this?

  11. your husband shouldn't be working against two should be a pair and agree on things when it comes to your kid. Let him know that he's playing against you not with you and you need his support and not everything is your fault.  

  12. Tell him to kiss your a$$. If he hits you, pick something up and knock the $hit outta him then he will know what mad is.

  13. sounds like u keep messing up big time or he just aint a very good husband. my guess is the latter.

  14. I'm sure you are a great mother, as a mother myself I know how these things happen and I'm sure you love your child more than yourself, young children are difficult and you can be so tired trying to please everyone.  Your husband should think before he abuses your verbally.  Don't cry too much, it will get easier maybe vent some of your upset at your husband and stand up for yourself cheer up babe x

    If your husbands immediate reaction was to hit, you should be very careful and watch to see if this becomes a regular occurrence.  Will this be his immediate reaction when your child misbehaves.  

    My husband did raise his hand to our children but never hit them as I intervened.  I know it was out of frustration after a day of bad behaviour by a terrible 3 year old but it did worry me.  Hasn't happened in a long time as kids are older and better.

  15. it is normal to get mad sometimes... but he must also respect you, so make sure he does that

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