
Is it right for you to have cake and eat it to?

by  |  earlier

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Let say a bf of mine is married and she has a boyfriend to that she know for 15 years that she seeing every now and then. They may go out for drinks and chill do you think they should or not. I ask her about the chilling part and she lol like I was telling a joke or something. I think they are having s*x of some kind is this right. Or should I tell her to leave him alone. I don't want to get in the middle but I love her and her family. I also think her husband is cheating on her that why I think she is caring on with this man and she doesn't want to leave her husband because they have kids (boy and girl) help!! what should I do?




  1. why would you have a cake if you're not going to eat it ?

  2. Personally I think you should STAY OUT OF IT!

    This is something between your friend and her husband. many couples seem to reach some type of understanding that as long as its not thrown in each others faces, they can have a little extra curricular activity on the side. By you sticking your nose in it, you will probably just get her mad at you and maybe even end up breaking up the marriage.

    Let it run its course. When they are tired of this, they will stop on their own.


  3. I wish there was a "this question is an abomination of written language" button.  Or maybe a "this is the most outrageously incoherent pile of rotten garbage I have ever had the displeasure of attempting to decipher" button.

    Since I was unable to uncover even a fraction of answerable material, I am going to say that the answer to "what should I do" is "Enroll in an English class."

  4. I think if someone happens to give you cake, the best thing to do is to eat the d**n thing.  

  5. Unfortunately this is there problem.  If she knows he is seeing someone else and fooling around herself,  he probably knows too.  Eventually they will have to look to it themselves.  

  6. yea but youll get fat

  7. If they had a good relationship to begin with I would suggest  saying something to your friend. After all wouldn't you want your friend to correct you when your'e wrong? However if they are both being unfaithful then this is something that you have to let play out. stay out of it. They're both adults. Its gonna get messy and you shouldn't want any part of that.  

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