
Is it right for your teacher to make you hand out your phone number?

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first day of class she put everybody on the spot, making us tell our freaking life stories and such, talking about she wants us to interact with everybody, and get out of our "safe" zone. I like my safe zone! This really makes me wanna drop the class, its psychology not frickin sociology, and even then I wouldn't think it'd be professional to force everybody to make friends mix and mingle and tell them all your d**n psychological problems, anybody agree with me?




  1. Many teachers take that approach because it may put you on the spot and it may force you to open up (and yes you may hate it for the time being) but as the weeks go on you may notice you may have new friends or see people in a different light. She is not trying to embarrass you, but trying to get you to have a different experience. If this isn't your style, than yes you might want to drop the class if you feel like you cannot be out of your "safe zone." As a teacher, there is nothing better than seeing students mix and form friendships because of my class. Why not give it a try, what do you really have to lose? When your done with high school you may look back and be grateful.

  2. It sounds kinda freaky, but you say it's a psychology class. Is this college? If it was high school I would think it's a bit over the line, but for college-level it could be -could be- a legitimate exercise in practical psychology.

    Did she actually make you give out your phone number? That I think is out of bounds, no matter what.

  3. That is a total invasion of privacy. I can understand the talking in class for those who feel less comfortable, but forcing people to give out private information is completely wrong. You have the right to say no to giving out your phone number, no matter who ask you.

  4. Sounds like an invasion of privacy to me....

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