
Is it right if i get another cat?

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2 weeks ago my 13 month old kitten had to be put to sleep. she was diagnosed with brain tumour which gave her severe brain damage. it was the right choice. we soon found out that she was born with it. i mis her so much she was my baby she used to follow me everywhere.

i miss not cuddling her at night!

is it time for a new pet ? would it help ease the pain of loosing her?




  1. its completly natural for you to feel sad about the deah of your so sorry x

    why dont you go to an animal shelter and take home a kitten/cat that had been abused or something?

    at least you would feel good for helping that cat getting a proper home

    good luck  and i hope this helps x

  2. It is beyond heart braking isn't it. I feel so bad for you. I know how horrible it it.

    The important thing to remember is that you did the right thing. Remember that cats are not all the same, your next cat may not follow you around or like to sleep right next to you, but I think that if you feel ready then you should.

    I am so sorry for your loss, you seem like a prefect cat owner, and I hope that you have many more years with your next cat. At the end of the day, if you go to a shelter, and get a cat, your cat has saved a life of an unwanted kitty.

    Only do it when you feel ready. I wish you the best of luck.

  3. that is completely up to you! Everyone is different. For me i need to wait for a few years!

    I'm so sorry for your loss! :(

  4. Mia was very beautiful and you must miss her very much..  I loved my last cat very much too, he was 5 when he died - the Vet did all that he could but poor Koko was too ill and his kidneys packed up.

    We had an old cat and two dogs as well as Koko but the cat lived outside and the younger dog missed Koko so much that later that Summer I brought home two kittens to make the family complete again...  11 years later it is just us and those two and we are wondering how to fit in a new puppy!  

    I still miss my Koko although I do love my current two very much - he was such a little personality..  There is a special place in our hearts for all our lost pets and they live on as long as we do.  Koko was part Persian but not a pedigree, my current cats British Shorthair cross with Ginger farm cat!  One of our old cats had Siamese in her - you could hear her from miles away when she was on heat..  

    I would definately get a new kitten - or do as I did and get two, excellent company for each other (please note though that brother and sister pairs should be neutered - well at least one of them and I would recommend the boy as neutered boy cats are much cleaner in the house).  

    Please remember that your new kitten(s) are unlikely to be like Mia even if you choose one which looks like her - just like children they all have their own personalities..

    It was very sad that poor Mia had such a short life, my Cats and I wish you luck for the future and healthy long-living cats..

    All best wishes,  

  5. you should it will help you get over it.even though you have another cat it can never replace your other cat.getting another will be helpful its better than wanting him then not to have a cat at all.get one and please adopt on  from a pound they need good homes.

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss. But it is a perfect time for a new pet. Go to your local animal shelter and save the life of a beautiful new kitty that will love you and help you through this difficult time. You can never replace a pet, but you can get another one that will help you to get through the pain and at the same time you are doing a wonderful service to the animal you adopted and the community. And your new kitty will give you all the love you could hope for and it's okay to get past the pain of your loss. Your kitty that went to heaven wouldn't want you to suffer and be alone forever; right? Do what you feel is right in your heart. Save a life and save your own at the same time. Smile. :)

  7. yes get another cat there are many out there that are in need of a caring home and you sound like you are a good pet owner...please do it for yourself as well as a cat that needs a good home

  8. I'm so sorry for your loss.  Whether you get another pet right now is solely up to you.........if you're ready for 1 get 1, if not then wait.  Noone should tell you whether you're ready or not, only you know that.  Different people have different grieving periods, so whatever works best for you is what you should do.

  9. So sorry - they break our hearts, don't they?

    Why not go to a cat rescue centre?  You would know immediately if you are ready to be owned by another cat.

    Take care

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    I think it's fine to get another cat whenever it feels right to you.  I don't think it will help you get over her but it will help fill the void she left.  You will always love her but the emptiness of not having her around can make it feel even worse.  So having a new kitty can provide that sort of interaction.  And they all have their own personalities so the new one should never feel like a replacement, just a new family member who is eager to be loved.  

    Best of luck!

  11. Getting a new cat will not help you get over the loss of Mia.  That is a feeling you will have to deal with, and may not ever get "over" it, but you'll get "beyond" it.  Nothing will "ease" the pain of losing a pet, time will only dull it.  There is no set time frame to say when you are ready to get a new pet, when you are ready and willing to love a NEW cat (not a replacement), then by all means - head to your local shelter and get one.  If you are unsure, and want to see if you are ready, then try fostering one of the shelter animals - sometimes the foster works out so well, you end up adopting it (I adopted my Maine Coon (Samson) after fostering him for a few months).  It's completely up to you on when you are ready - listen to yourself and your heart - not other people.

  12. A new cat would help but maybe wait another week.

  13. Get another one now, there are plenty out there waiting for your love, it will never replace the previous one, but, will help

  14. Another  cat will help you get over the loss of ur other cat.

  15. that's really up to you-we got another kitten straight after our kitten died 21 years ago and ended up with the most amazing cat for 19 years-we never regretted it. it can give you something to focus on which can help your grief, especially if she was your only pet-our house was just too empty and that made it even worse for us.just do what feels right for you.

  16. I am so sorry for your loss, I too lost a kitten, she was brilliant, i used to walk around with her wrapped round my neck and she used to sleep in my bed.Mine was hit by a car and was a little younger then yours, but i know the sense of sorrow that u have at the moment. You'll never be completly over her so to speak, but the fact I had my other cats to care for (one of which was my kittens brother from the same litter) meant that the pain was eased considerably. If you do get a new kitten or any other pet dont see it as a replacement, but as a new companion.

    Whatever you decide i hope your happier.

  17. no it is not a good time to get a new cat now because you still miss her and are not over her yet. and it just to soon i would wait at least 6 months in till you get a new cat. and it was right to put you cat to sleep because she would have been i a lot of pain but cats a good at hiding it. when i had to re home my dog my dog it was over a year before i got my new dog. i know it will feel weird with out her now but time will heel and i am sure if you get a new kitten later on in the year you will love the kitten as much as loved her and the new kitten will love you as much as she loved you


  18. yes u can

  19. im really sorry to hear about your kitten. dont feel bad about getting another cat. you'll feel sad for a while but when you get the new cat it will perhaps help take your mind off what happened and you will give the new kitty a very happy life

  20. I'm sorry about your loss. I think that it is not too soon to get a new cat. When my dog died I was very sad but I adopted a new one and it helped me get over the loss because it gives you something else to love and care for.

    Just remember than nothing will replace what you lost, but a new animal can help you love again.

  21. You will never forget your kitty and it is not good to be so sad for her.

    Remember the fun you had, get another kitten and carry on loving her as you would have done the other one.

  22. I'm so sorry you lost your little kitten. I had a 21-year-old cat who died two years ago, and we'd had her since she was a little kitten. I know how terrible the feeling is, and it's all right to cry. I would suggest getting a new kitten. Take your time to decide which one though, because if you want one like Mia, you'll have to bond with her and scrutinize her personality. She would never be able to replace your precious Mia, but a new sweetie to cuddle with at night will help ease the pain of not having Mia around anymore.

  23. thats so sad!!!:(

    even though it may not completely ease the pain, it will definitely help get your mind off your other kitten.  it just the same if your kitten was actually fully grown and old, you would still do the same thing if she died that way wouldn't you?

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