
Is it right or am I an infidel? ;) ?

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I go to a Catholic School yet I'm an atheist. The Schools not strict and they allow christians in also. My parents are particularly anything but their all christian. Also I have never been baptized. Should I really keep going to his school?




  1. What a lot of very strange things you say. 'An atheist in a Catholic school,  which allows in Christians, parents are not particularly anything but tney are Christians.'  Do you actually know what a Christian is?

    A Christian is a follower of Christ. Someone who believes (knows) that Jesus is the Son of God, their personal Saviour who died for them. Somone who studies the bible, prays to God, repents of their sins and forgives others who offend them. They try to live by God's code - the commandments and repent when they sometimes fail. They know that Jesus is the only mediator (go-between) who can take our requests to God.

    They come in all shapes and sizes, attend all types of Churches, do not necessarily all believe exactly the same small details but certainly all accept the important ones listed above.

    If your parents are not particularly anything then they are not Christians. It doesn't sound like the school is really Christian either.

    The fact that you are not baptised should be no problem to you since you are an atheist. Why are you in this school in the first place?

  2. Satan is your master.  

  3. Catholics ARE christians no matter what the bigots on here say.

    Stay if you like it.

  4. This doesn't make any sense...

    For one catholics are christians...

    For another, infidel isn't a christian term. It's a muslim one.

    Catholic schools don't care where your beliefs lay. I have friends that are atheists and that go to a catholic school. They go there because they don't have a choice. They're forced by their parents.

  5. You do not have to be Catholic to attend a Catholic school. They do not discriminate.

    BE HAPPY you are being given this chance for a GOOD education.  

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