
Is it right or wrong to watch pornography?

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Is it right or wrong to watch pornography?




  1. its fine....nothing wrong about it...nothing right about it...

    and it also really depends on your some cases it is a sin...and others it i think it isnt good...and isnt really bad(maybe)

  2. It  is  something Wrong, and very dangerous. Watching Pornography kills the features of the brain which can't be recreated again, it destroyes them harmly, and people who watch this forget very fast, and lose the ability to remeber their memories. furthemore it isa  sin and it is  something rejected by all religions, because it is not for our benefit

  3. WRONG!!! its just nasty

  4. Some people enjoy watching it and others don't.

    There isn't anything wrong with watching p**n and there isnt anything wrong about not watching p**n.

  5. No. how would you like people looking at nasty pictures of you?

  6. What does watching pornography have to do with Ethics?

  7. Right, because pornographic actors want to be watched

  8. Marbear, jesus dosen't love you.

  9. how can something so wrong feel so good!

  10. Right, because it relieves tension like any other sexual activity, which prevent anger and stress.

  11. yes..

    its nasty gross and wrong..

    you should not watch it..!!

    thats a big turn off to everyone.

  12. It depends on who is watching it; when they are watching it, why they are watching it and how they are watching it.

  13. everyone does, i wonder how many will answer this. lol

  14. What is wrong with p**n.  Nothing.  It is not a crime.  I mean if your watching child pornography then that's disgusting but if you are watching 2 consenting adults have s*x then what's so bad about that.  In our society s*x is so tabboo and it makes others uncomfortable.  We all grown aint nothing wrong with two people being intimate the same way our parentst were and we are and so on and so forth.

  15. As long as you take a shower afterwards, it's fine.

  16. Is it right or wrong to make p**n, is it right or wrong to be g*y, is it right or wrong for a wife to kill a husband who beats her?

    You decide.

  17. I wonder what would your mother say.

  18. It depends on how it affects one's thoughts and subsequent behavior. If it causes one to have lessened inhibitions regarding socially unacceptable behaviors, then it is bad for you. If it enhances one's sexual behavior in socially acceptable and legal situations, there doesn't appear to be anything wrong. Pornography, however, is much like an addictive drug. People who watch it can become addicted to it and spend inordinate amounts of time watching it, to the detriment of their jobs, studies, social relationships, etc. Like a drug, it may bring some immediate excitement, but the effect wears off and you want more.

  19. its only wrong if ur a r****d p**n rules i watch all time

  20. would jesus watch p**n ??

  21. It's set by people. Just don't get too obsessed.

  22. I think it's healthy as long as it's not excessive.

    Just try not to revolve your life around it, that's when it gets to be a bad idea.

  23. It's a sin, although no one ever listens to that.

  24. right and wrong are illusions

  25. as long as your old enough, and the people in it are legal age, its ok

  26. It's fine, as long as all participants in the movie are of age and have given their consent.

  27. As long as its 2+ CONSENTING ADULTS.

  28. I don't think there's anything wrong with it- thought that is a subjective question. People are naturally sexual, and those that deny it are fooling themselves. p**n is just one way people can express their sexual urges, so do what you want and don't bother with judgment

  29. I think each adult decides that for themselves.

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