
Is it right that God has created the world why people of different countries have different faces.?

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Was criminal acts done by the Britishers in India like

jalianwala bagh right why India is only country in the world

where bloody wars were fought because of Britishers.




  1. God created the world. A world filled with different kinds of people to try and test our faith.

    But as for evil in the world you look to the devil, man's freewill to choose and decide for themselves, not God.

    And I'm not even religious.

  2. God created all the lands and all the people that live in these lands. He never forced us to hate one another,fight each other or judge others based on how they look.

  3. Indian always sought freedom from the British.

  4. Last time I checked, we all have 2 eyes, a nose, a mouth 10 fingers and toes, 2 arms and 2 legs, and 2 ears.  Looks like we look more alike than you might think.

  5. So that they doesn't resemble & can be differentiated from one another.


  6. I am so not sure of what you are asking.

  7. Think it of :

    All the human race with same face.

    If they entered any where , bloody wars were been over there.

    Their colonies became their nation-America,Australia and

    South Africa are the remaining examples.

  8. The Dalai Lama taught that planet earth is like a Garden; a garden with only one variety of flower, is not a very good one, for a garden to be a good garden, it has to have everything from roses, to pistils, to crysanthemum, etc.  If God created the world, it is even taught in Islam, that God formed Adam from clay taken from all over the earth although that teaching was taken from Hebrew tradition.

    Originally, Adam was a goilem (clay statue), made from clay from all over planet earth, as well as his wife Eve.

    Also, dude, India isn't the only country that had a war with the British.

    Give me a list of countries that DID NOT have some sort of problem with the Brits.  The reason the brits were so interested in India, is because in terms of natural resources India is second only to Russia.  Now, consider this for a second; in colonialist times, there were only, what, 15 million people in Britain, but 500 million Indians?

    Do the math; that is a lot of cheap labor, a lot of resources, and a lot of wealth, to support the lifestyle of only 15 million people.  Why, wealth wise that is the equivalent of possibly nearly 100 million dollars per person.

    Of course, most of the British public did not see a dime of that, it was hogged up by the politicians and the royal family.  There is a reason Buckingham palance is a big place you know, as well as the mannors and estates of the various noble families.  As the world economy modernized in the late 19th century though, with the rise of the wealthy industrialist class not wanting the meddling of nobles anymore, British nobility began losing their power and with it their money, so all money generated by India began to go to those industrialists.

    With it, they were able to fund the beginings of companies that pumped out oil in the middle east, one of them being BP.  Hey, they held on to India, because of, well, what else...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...

    Its no exageration to say British industralists wiped their @ss with pound notes.

    India was picked on by the British, also, because of Shatriya caste traitors to their country.  Whereas in Africa few people were willing to betray their people, and thus the Brits did not have many spies among the locals, in India, they had Indians of all castes spying for them given the promise of wealth, or the promise of power, which they largely delivered.

    Initially the Brits were only able to take the coasts, as India's population was too massive for an outright assault.  Indeed, the majority of Indians with fair skin, often tend to come from the coasts of the south, where the Brits first made inroads and some soldiers took Christianized wives from the local women.  Later on though, when they heard of a power struggle among the Shatriya caste, they exploited it and conquered the south, with the help from soldiers provided by the ruling Shatriya families.

    When they marched north, the Muslims there resisted vigorously but they were eventually crushed, and then when they marched towards Nepal, they were stopped dead in their traks by the Sikhs, but a traitor among them revealed tactical information during a crucial battle, and despite heavy losses incurred on the British the Sikhs eventually lost, most were taken prisoner, while the rest fled to Nepal where they mounted further resistance.

    Nepal was never conquered, because the Sikh warriors who fled there were able to exploit the Himalayas.  You do not mount an assault on the Himalayas for the same reason you do not attack Switzerland, and an overconfident British batalion went after a force of Sikhs still seething with anger over having been betrayed and defeated, needless to say said batallion was completely anihilated, by Sikhs fighting alongside local Nepalese.

    Of course, such a defeat is not something British textbooks care to talk about, or the rest of the western world for that matter.

    If in doubt, talk to the Nepalese themselves.


    countries are different because, people are like flowers in a garden, as the Dalai Lama taught, and the Brits picked on India because, what can I say, money wise, the country's loaded.

    Just keep the population at a starvation level and give them just enough food to work, but not enough to be able to fight, and your financial problems in London are GOONE.

    sorry for the cynicism.


  9. Why do all dogs have different breeds, colors, and "faces"...  because they evolved over time through both random reproduction and selective breeding.

    Why did Adam sin?  The same reason the Brits sinned against other nations.  And the same reason we all do.  We are all sinners.  The wages of sin are death, and death separates us from God.  Fortunately for us, God was already building a plan of salvation even as Adam and Eve sinned and forced their separation from God.  If we repent of our sins, and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, then we will inherit eternal life.  

    One thief on the cross scoffed at Jesus.

    One thief understood, repented and believed - and was promised by Jesus himself that he would spend that day with Jesus in Paradise.

    That is all we need to focus on.  Human beings will s***w up. God has planned for that.  We are all thiefs and sinners.  The important aspect is - are you the "thief that scoffs",  or, are you the "thief that hears, repents, and believes", and lives eternally with Jesus. His blood sacrifice covers our sins permananently in the eyes of God.  Repent, believe and accept Jesus as your Savior.  His yoke is light.  

    I will pray that you do.

  10. god has created and its true other wise how it could be possible that the things that u see eg. the nature and it was by the god only who had made this war and its the god that is why we can live because how could we survival as he only made the plants do you think that the early men had did it they didn't had sense first of all and every country has different god thats why they are different and if we would all be seen same than we wont know who is who.ok

  11. why are there roses, lilies, daises,tulips,etc. ?

  12. and the follow-up question...."what happened to the 15 or so other hominids that are now extinct, most notably the Neanderthals?  What are we, the new and improved model?"

  13. There is different climate in different areas. In britain there is cool temprature so they looks fair. In India there hot temprature so people are black

  14. please get over yourself. The british raped and pillaged all over the world. From burning innocent villagers in churchs during the American Revolution to invading a peacefull country just because gold was discovered there.

         Do all birds look the same? Are all dogs the same breed?

    It is change, over time humanity branched out. If we where still technologically limited I would'nt be surprised if in another 20,000-100,000 the different races split off into new species.(Now because of mass travel and inter breeding with other ethnic's human DNA should restabalize and shouldn't branch out)

    It is basic evolution.

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