
Is it right that I should pay for people on council estates to drink cider?

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Is it right that I should pay for people on council estates to drink cider?




  1. vodka and pepsi for me ...mind got to be diet pepsi ty for the offer ....i am not on a council estate i work hard and own my own house but if ur offering u got my order

  2. Is it right that i have to pay for people's health care, and social dole money or whatever who have just plonked themselves on my doorstep from some far away place we havn't heard of.

  3. are you mentally challenged?

  4. No but we pay for their house, their medical expenses etc so why not their social life as well.  We may as well just give them our bank account and credit card details because as long as we work and pay takes we 'support' them.  I have no problem with genuine cases of unemployment and disability but many of these people we 'support' are perfectly capable of working but couldn't be bothered getting up in the mornings and taking pride in the fact that you are making your own way in life and supporting your family.

  5. Is it right that I, as a consumer, should pay for free booze and expensive "goodie bags" for every free loading celebrity that attends a PR event? Or subsidise politicians fiddling their expenses from my taxes. Or have to pay tax fiddling toffs rebates from public funds?

    By the way most "council estates" are now managed by housing associations, and alcoholism, as defined by the WHO, is now more prevalent in middle class suburbs and among the professional classes.

  6. You could pay for them to drink lager instead. You sound very generous, if I see you in the pub will you get the round in? :-D

  7. I don't think it's fair to say ALL people on council, estates are druggies, alchies, and low life.I brought 3 lovely kids up in a council house, and they have NEVER been in trouble with the police, OR brought trouble to my door. In this day and age, where housing is NOT affordable, more people are looking for a cheaper alternative, I.E,Council housing.

    I live in Cornwall, and we are bombarded every year by Public school rebels, who visit Rock, in Cornwall with their "well to do" parents, (sometimes in helicopters ) and wreak havok on a quiet laid back community, swigging cheap cider, (and anything else they can buy underage) It's NOT a pretty sight, they fight each other on the beach, public school, against public school, and more often than not, get away with their disgusting behaviour, because "mommy and daddy" are able to bail them out, or buy off the coppers, it happens every year, and no-one cares, because they are rich, and can do what they like.

    I have a son who works for the local Council, a daughter who is a teacher, and our youngest daughter is a hotel owner. All our kids have grown up successful, and self supporting, and non are alcohol dependent, or drug users, and they all grew up on a Council estate in Redditch, Worc's, so please try not to label ALL council estate kids in the same category, not everyone is fortunate enough to own their own home, but it doesn't mean we are not capable of rearing decent kids!!!!!

    In your eyes Council estate = low life, and it's not ALWAYS  the case!!!!

  8. you've already paid for your army to kill arabs. why not?

  9. Cider? Perish the thought.

    Where I live Stella Artois is the tipple of choice - but then, we're a bit 'la-di-da' around here.

  10. Of course it's right. How else are they supposed to get it? lol :-)

  11. Is the Champagne orf, m'lord?

  12. Why not,cider is cheap and you've got stacks of money

  13. I reckon Lambrini is the April choice of the month... have Bargain Booze got a new offer on?

    If u dont wanna pay any Tax go see Wesley Snipes - now known as Poontang prisoner 12223451

  14. Thanks, I'll have a pint. Watch out for the arrows.

  15. No, no it is not. let the blighters suffer for their sloth!

    Why is this guy a Snob just because he doesn't agree with the fact that benifits are being spent on alcohol which, in turn will cause these kids to commit crimes?

  16. Ooh, ta.  I'll have a drink if you're offering.  Can you buy some Pork Scratchings to go with it please?  Ta chuck

  17. if you can afford it yes - I dont actually live on an estate but as a pensioner cannot afford cider so a pint please  thank you

  18. No I shouldn't have to pay either.

  19. "From each according to their means, to each according to their needs."

    As a non-drinking, non-smoking, employed council estate resident, all I have to say is **** ***!!!

  20. What makes you think that you are paying for the cider, the vast majority of council tenants do actually pay rent!

  21. I bet in reality you're one of 'em.

  22. well M'Lord, no, it's wrong. Don't do it. Why not 'Picket' your local Bargain Booze?

  23. What kind of a bloody snob are you? Are you giving out free booze coupons, and if so, please send me some. Although I'd rather have red wine than cider if you don't mind.

  24. Yes, if that's what you want to do.

  25. Course you should m'lud.

    Where did you think your money came from if it didn't involve grinding people down till they had no fcuking option & came to know nothing else? You ignorant tosser.

    If I thought this was a serious  question I might consider getting quite nasty about it...

  26. its cleaner than water

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