
Is it right that Turkey is going to accede to the EU?

by Guest32161  |  earlier

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Is it right that Turkey is going to accede to the EU?




  1. They won't be the only turkeys in the organization.

  2. I don`t care.

  3. God help us.

  4. well i dont know because i just dont think their compatable as 97% of turkey is in asia ( so technically the rest of the would can accede to the EU)  their culture and customs is vastly different to the ones in the EU,

    but on the other hand i do think that at the moment their economy is strong enough to be in the EU

  5. Turkey began formal negotiations with the EU about membership in 2005, but it is believed that it will take at least 15 years for this to lead to possible membership.

    There are a number of obstacles to Turkey's membership including:

    Turkey's refusal to recognise the Greek Cypriot republic, which is an EU member

    Human rights in Turkey especially in the Kurdish region

    Women's rights

    Recognition of conscientious objection

    Even if Turkey met all the conditions for membership, the other members would have to vote unanimously for acceptance.

  6. Over my dead body. Another 65 million Muslims with access free and allowable to the UK from a country whose borders are with Iraq and Iran our poor home grown terrorists will be put out of work.  Imagine that your border control will effectively be in Turkey not Dover, Ashford or Waterloo. Time to get out of this hideous mess and get our country back from those crazy politicians

  7. Better an ally than an enemy, though I still don't think they should be considered part of Europe, what with all the middle eastern traditions, and ties.

  8. NO! I am Turkish and I dont think that's right!!!

  9. No but i heard a chicken was getting stuffed next week

  10. The Turkish are so s**y in these mud fights they do, all mud and muscle. Let them join anything they want!

  11. It can't until the Cyprus problem is solved. I think Cyprus and its supporters will veto Turkey's accession all the time Turkey occupies Northern Cyprus

  12. Good god no, the insane Brits want them in but the rational French will never agree to it. Imagine millions of Turks travelling to Britain for work...believe it, it will happen. Immigration to UK??? You ain't seen nothing yet!

  13. Ducking EU.Ducking Tony Bliar.Ducking Gordon Gutless Brown

    Enough with them Ducka's let alone the Ducking Turks.

  14. The Westerners would like to, but France in particular is opposed, and the rise of Islamic parties does not help.  Others are looking to rebuild links with Turkic nations in Central Asia.

  15. Are you American? Bush tried to suggest to Chirac that Turkey should be accepted and was told it was none of his business. Well done France!

    Turkey is still illegally occupying Cyprus and has a poor human rights record (worse even than America's)

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