
Is it right that the Japanese should be killing wales?

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and if the greenies and every one who stands up for the planet

did not, what would the world be like now.




  1. Japan was allowed by International Whaling Commission  to kill whales for scientific research and to sell the carcasses commercially. I just can't understand why did they allow them to kill whales, though I think the whole world know that Japanese are the world's largest consumers of whale meat...So, I don't really think that they're killing whales for research purposes!!!!!

  2. Can we still make wales jokes??   OK maybe not....

    But at least the Indians do not eat cowes.......

      ( for all the americans, Cowes is on the Isle of Wight....)    ;^)

    Dude, you are totally right, sorry, but I could not stop myself with the cowes thing....LOL

  3. Frank, I still say that the Japanese should not be killing whales.  It was allowed before because there are plenty of them during the time and no other substitute for whale products can be found or manufactured.  However, in our very mordern and technologically advance time, there are a lot of substitutes which makes killing whales atrociously a waste.  I still go for conservation and control.  For example, if population of certain specie has reach a certain limit, then they open it for hunting, just like the wild geese conservation and control procedure.


  4. Yeah, and the Welsh are understandably P.O.'d about it !

  5. Apparently hunting and eating whales is such a strong Japanese cultural tradition that no amount of pressure from the outside world is going to get them to stop. No matter how much pressure is put on them, they find tricky or dodgy excuses to continue. No. It is not right, but they don't care.

  6. The problem is just not the harvest of a few whales.  It is denying people their identity and culture.  Nobody, especially not someone sitting in a nice comfy house at their computer, sipping on a cold drink and eating potato chips, has the right to dictate what another person should or should not do.  That is why we have government.  Animal Rights people show an intolerance toward the human condition, that automatically alienates them and makes them an enemy.

    The Inuit still exist by hunting seal and whale.  Are you going to deny the Inuit the food source?  

    The world is a mess, environmentally.  Nothing has been done by anyone individual that has changed that.  Yes, attention has been brought to certain issues, but it is the people and their government that makes change.  Those people out at sea harassing Japanese whale ships are nothing more than common pirates.  They are in violation of International Law.  They should be made to stop before they kill someone.

  7. I'd like to think that even without the "greenies" cooler heads would prevail.

    If the japanese want to hunt whales, who business is it to tell them no and on what authority do they stand? Are they willing to go to war over some fish?

    I personally don't think whale oil is needed anymore... however, due to the absurdity of eco-oil paranoia... this was bound to happen. One cannot declare a need for a resource irrelevant and really believe its going to be so.

  8. no way!! "research" BULL*#@*.it's just to feed a sick bunch of money makers who don't want to know what they are doing

  9. I believe that the Whales and the Dolphins and all associated family members therein are the intelligence of our oceans...

    The Japanese are exploiting archaic laws and finding loop-holes here and there to be able to continue this barbarism..

    I personally think that it has to stop immediately if not sooner, and I would go to war with the j**s over it, if that was necessary, and that is as nice as I can say what I feel and think about what they are doing...


  10. definitely not.

  11. I worship a good looking women before worshiping money, but some worship trees, whales, polars bears,bugs, frogs, fish,birds,al gore before worshiping $$$

  12. No, The Japanese should not be killing whales/tuna/dolphines. The same as we shouldnt be killing Cows, Chickens, Pigs, Fish... The list goes on, Yeah its a ****** up world.

  13. Is it right that Americans eat ducks, chickens, cows, pigs, sheep etc etc?

    Is it right that British barn bred intensive chickens are kept inside for their entire 39 day life, with only a space the size of a sheet of A4 paper to stand on?

    Is it right that developed countries have caused massive rainforest deforestation to provide cheap beefburgers to the Americans (The West in general)?

    Watch this about deforestation and  cheap beef.

    Is it right that any animal is killed and used as food?

    If that is not right (if no animals should be killed for food) is it right that in some countries, the people would starve to death  (ie Eskimos eating seals?)

    I agree in principle with what you are saying, but the issues are far wider than a simple statement of right and wrong. The question also needs to be placed in context of different people's lives and cultures.

  14. Fortunately, other countries do not let greenies and other environmental wackos dictate government policy.  Japan has the right to hunt whales if they so choose.  And they don't need the approval of eco-freaks to do it. The whales they hunt are not endangered, and the hunt does no long-term damage to the population.   Greenies have a lot of trouble minding their own business.

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