
Is it right that the McCain/Palin campaign exposes Obama as the cause of "Troopergate"?

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"It’s outrageous that the Obama campaign is trying to attack her over a family issue. As a reformer and a leader on ethics reform, she has been happy to help out in the investigation of this matter, because she was never directly involved." --McCain/Palin statement, Aug. 30.

Obama's campaign was crafty enough to start this abuse-of-power/family-issue controversy, knowing he would win the nomination and that Palin would be tapped as the GOP VP. And, that the resolution of the depositions on this matter will come out days before the November election, doing all this 14 months before Obama announced his candidacy for president.

Do you think Obama should be ashamed . . .

Even if her husband and several Palin staffers/supporters are on the record as having talked to the Dept. of Safety official about getting the ex-BROinlaw bounced, or that at least one person has said there are e-mails that link her to the scandal?




  1. LOL Wait what? How does this have anything to do with Obama? This investigation started long before anyone knew who she was.

  2. Boy, you are really reaching on this one.  Troopergate is a Clinton scandal.  Her BIL sounds like a real piece of work and I'd have done what I could to get rid of him too, but let's not mistake bloggerworld for the Obama campaign.   Next thing you know we're going to be blaming the baby story on them too.  Reality is that we all have the internet and we are all googling stuff and we are all going to see all the blogs with misinformation and sooner or later some dumbass is going to write a question about it here because they don't have the brains to actually track something to the source.  And so it goes..........a bunch of BS.

    Obama has nothing to be ashamed of, he's been a little busy.  Nobody knew McCain was going to announce Palin for VP, so you are making **** up here.  Bad timing on Palins legal problems.  Probably would have been a good idea to expand his "googling" beyond, anti abortion, hot, beauty queen, executive, republican, and given her a day or two to scrub all the stuff coming out.  

    Reality is us Dems have been putting up with the Rev, Ayers, birth certs, muslims, and on and on and on for months now so maybe, just maybe, there are some people who are just a little trigger happy.


    Okay, I think we have misunderstood each other here.  I admit I didn’t read your link, but I had read about the controversy, just wasn’t aware they were calling this Troopergate as well, so forgive the lecture.  I was being reactionary.  

    From your question I understand you to say that it was the Obama campaign that STARTED this controversy 14 months ago before either he or Palin were the nominees.  How could anyone have known McCain would pick her?  That is taking conspiracy theory to a whole new level.  Obviously a potential scandal at this level is fair game, so no, I don’t think the Obama campaign should be ashamed for looking into it, obviously everyone else is.  The McCain/Palin statement is ridiculous.  They can't possibly call this a "family issue", but I guess they also know that most people just read headlines that confirm what they  want to believe.

    Here is a story written by an Alaskan that I think is a good summary and echoes your link.

    Trooper Gate - The Alaskan Perspective.

    Sarah Palin’s sister Molly married a guy named Mike Wooten who is an Alaska State Trooper. Mike and Molly had a rocky marriage. When the marriage broke up, there was a bitter custody fight that is still ongoing. During the custody investigation, all sorts of things were brought up about Wooten including the fact that he had illegally shot a moose (yes folks this is Alaska), driven drunk, and used a taser (on the test setting, he reminds us) on his 11-year old stepson, who supposedly had asked to see what it felt like. While Wooten has turned out to be a less than stellar figure, the fact that Palin’s father accompanied him on the infamous moose hunt, and that many of the dozens of charges brought up by the Palin family happened long before they were ever reported smacked of desperate custody fight. Wooten’s story is that the family basically stalked him. After all this, Wooten was investigated and disciplined on two counts and allowed to keep his position with the troopers. Enter Walt Monegan, Palin’s appointed new chief of the Department of Public Safety and head of the troopers. Monegan was beloved by the troopers, did a bang-up job with minimal funding and suddenly got axed. Palin was out of town and Monegan got offered another job? (Aka fired) with no explanation to Alaskans. Pressure was put on the governor to give details, because rumors started to swirl around the fact that the highly respected Monegan was fired because he refused to fire the aforementioned Mike Wooten. Palin vehemently denied ever talking to Monegan or pressuring Monegan in any way to fire Wooten, or that anyone on her staff did. Over the weeks it has come out that not only was pressure applied, there were literally dozens of conversations in which pressure was applied to fire him. Monegan has testified to this fact, spurring an ongoing investigation by the Alaska state legislature. But, before this investigation got underway, Palin sent the Alaska State Attorney General out to do some investigative work of his own so she could find out in advance what the real investigation was going to find. (No, I’m not making this up). The AG interviewed several people, unbeknownst to the actual appointed investigator or the Legislature! Palin’s investigation of herself uncovered a recorded phone call retained by the Alaska State Troopers from Frank Bailey, a Palin underling, putting pressure on a trooper about the Wooten non-firing. Todd Palin (governor’s husband) even talked to Monegan himself in Palin’s office while she was away. Bailey is now on paid administrative leave. As if this weren’t enough, Monegan’s appointed replacement Chuck Kopp, turns out to have been the center of his own little scandal. He received a letter of reprimand and was reassigned after sexual harassment allegations by a former coworker who didn’t like all the unwanted kissing and hugging in the office. Was he vetted? Obviously not. When he was questioned about all this, his comment was that no one had asked him and he thought they all knew. Kopp, defiant, still claimed to have done nothing wrong and said to the press that there was no way he was stepping down from his new position. Twenty four hours later, he stepped down. Later it was uncovered that he received a $10,000 severance package for his two weeks on the job from Palin. Monegan got nothing.

    Clearly Palin has lied about her involvement in this, as well as having had questionable motivations, but I don’t think the Obama campaign started “making this an issue” 14 months ago.  Imagine time will tell.  It sounds like an abuse of power to me and now apparently Monegan is in my city looking for work.  Should be an interesting couple of months.

    Peace out.

  3. That is right out of the liberal play book.

    Endless investigations is a way to bog down your enemy while giving the Olbermans of the world some meat to chew on.

    "The investigation is supposed to wrap up by Oct. 31, just days before the Nov. 4 general election. " What a coincidence?

  4. I think he should be ashamed, but the man has no shame.  

  5. The real McCain scandal has nothing to do with Palin at all... she is a distraction...

  6. Have faith in Jesus and vote Obama.

    Obama loves America

    Obama is a humble Christian man.

    Southern Whites will rally behind Obama.

    Barack Obama is going to carry every state in the South including good old West Virginia.

    Southern Whites for Obama.

    Obama 08

    God Bless America

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