
Is it right to 'kick' John Edwards 'to the kerb'?

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Surely his affair does not impinge upon his abilities as a political leader.

Was it not a thing to be resolved between him anf his wife, and him and his God?

Why not allow politicians the freedom of a private life?




  1. When you become a leader, you forfeit that freedom to some extent. If his family can't trust him, how can we trust him in office?

  2. his political career is over.  

  3. I agree with you. How many other men and women out there cheat on their spouses? Yet no one gives a sh*t about that. But, sadly, the media is trying to make money to support their families and possibly cheating spouses by doing stories on the famous. We can't change it, although I wish we could.

    John Edwards wasn't right to cheat on his wife, but he still would have made a d**n good president.

    I am sick of hearing sh*t about if they cheat on their wives, then we can't trust them. It's ridiculous. It means nothing. Bill Clinton was a good president. Bush, on the other hand, has had no accusations on him for cheating on Laura, and look what kind of president HE is.

  4. I personally hate John Edwards, I never liked him, I disagree with everything he stands for and I think he's a terrible person for what he did.  However I think they should leave their family alone to work it out. I mean imagine how his kids feel? It's very sad and I think all the media around is salt in a very deep wound.  

  5. I personally think he should get kicked to the curb. His affair does  impinge on his ability as a political leader, it shows that if he can't be honest and loyal to a home that he created. Why do you think he is going to be honest with his leadership.

    At the end it is and will be resolved between him and God as well as his wife.

    Because politicians are leaders of a body that runs a country.

  6. I wish we could ignore this.  But I am angry with him because so many people have worked on his campaign, some volunteering nearly 24/7 and he insults his workers when he jeapordizes his potential.  That was a clear lack of judgment.  I don't give a fig about the so-called morality of the situation, but am deeply offended by his carelessness.  What was he thinking???

  7. In one selfish act he managed to trash himself in front of the whole world.  I really believed he had a bright future in government but now he will be lucky if he hangs on to his family.  Let's face it he betrayed everyone in his life, and if he has to be a father without Elizabeth he will do so without the complete trust of his kids.

  8. The way I see it, is that if he can't be trusted to be faithful to his wife, who he has to face daily, why would he be faithful to the constituents he represents? He doesn't have to answer to us in a setting that is as close and intimate as one would have to in his own family. Liars, cheats, and theives . . . if you don't think he is a theif . . . consider that he stold our trust . . . he was my great white hope . . . i wont vote for Billary or Obanya . . . McCain aint much better . . . I think I'm gonna sit this one out or start studying the independent/spoiler

  9. John  Edwards made his fortune holding companies accountable for their errors and imperfections.

    Paybacks are a *****, aren't they??

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