
Is it right to ban someone for being too successful?

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This story makes me shake my head. A 9 year old is banned for being too successful. The other kids pack up and walk off when he takes the mound. Do leftist political correctness freaks have no shame?




  1. Short answer is easy:  "no."  (Unless you're talking about a serial killer or something on that end)

    Life is tough and there's likely always going to be someone out there better than you.  To be topical I've used this example the past few weeks:  How much would it stink to be a world class swimmer where RIGHT NOW is your physical peak for performing in your lifetime.  It just happens that right now is when there is also someone like Mike Phelps in the pool at the same time just blowing everyone away.  If you were born ten years earlier or later you would be the star.  Maybe not across the board, but at least in your chosen events.  That would sting a lot.

  2. Was he really banned for being too good, or was he banned because he chose to play for the wrong team in the league?  Either way it's a shame that the league officials are running their league this way.  They call it a developmental league.  There's no better way to develop young hitters than having them learn to hit against a good pitcher, they'll never learn by facing a pitcher that throws meatballs over the plate.  

  3. Anyone who is willing to live off handouts has no shame. I just hate seeing it viewed as a virtue in Public Education.  

  4. This has nothing to do with politics.

    "Peter Noble, who represents the league, says parents and coaches, not players, expressed a fear of Jericho’s pitches. "Facing that kind of speed" is frightening for beginning players, he says.

    "This is not a high-powered league," Noble says, according to the AP. "This is a developmental league whose main purpose is to promote the sport."

    Regardless, the kid COULD just throw more slowly....why is he only able to throw fast balls?  

  5.    Are we raising our kids to be a bunch of quitters?


  6. This might be analogous to banning candidates for election who get the whole audience on their side with their rhetorical genius.

    But no, some times a really good pitcher should be moved up to a league that more closely matches his skill level, for his own benefit and the benefit of the less skilled league.  People who want to have some hope of winning do need a playing environment that is close to their own skill level.  And, while batting against a much better pitcher can develop batters more quickly, early on they need to be batting against a bit less heat.

    This is not about competition but about early development.

    This pitcher should be pitching to a more advanced crowd.

  7. what does little league baseball have to do with politics?

    insert sound of crickets here.

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