
Is it right to be cynical about relationships?

by  |  earlier

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Tons of people doing harm to each other these days.

Is it right to have these feelings?

10 points for best answer lol

I am giving away points because it fun lol




  1. Its smart.  You always hear about how "easy" it is to get a divorce, I think its too "easy" to get married!  They should ban straight marriage!

  2. i don't think it's wrong or just deal with relationships the best way you know how, and if you can find someone who will stay with you no matter what your attitude towards the relationship then that's great.

    but i think it's also wonderful to be able to let your guard down and entrust someone with your heart. there is an element of risk taking. will you be happy or will you end up heartbroken?  

  3. I was cynical until I met my Betty.

  4. it is right

    everyone including me is afraid to put your heart out and put your heart on the line but then again if you never take risks you wont enjoy the finer things life has to offer

  5. You can be "observant" and protective, but if you choose to only dwell on negative, it will consume you...  And you might just miss out on things that will make you happy...  

    As to relationships with a woman, Smexsay, it is OK if you never love in this world...  I have come to the conclusion that for some this may be the way to live, as yourself...  "Because I know and you know that this life is only temporary, and like all other things so this too GOD above will fix..."  

    So as long as you are happy and content and do your very best to examine the deeper things within this life we have been given you too will always have comfort thus knowing True happiness is to come...  Ã¢Â™Â¥

    EDIT~  You know something , I was hurt really really bad not only by the one I considered my first love but too by someone who was close to me.  And you know I had a choice, I could either let it take me down, OR I could learn from it..

    Which one do you think I chose?  And you know what, I never knew love until I met my hubby...  AND I never knew the depth of what it means to stay in love, until I had years with him behind me...  

    Relationships no matter if it is one with a friend Or a mate for life take nurturing and care and also a certain amount of vulnerability....  Because we always run the Risk of getting hurt...  There are no guarantees , so again I say if flying SOLO is your thing, don't look for reasons to do this...  Just do it!  

    Focus yourself on the important things in life... I am on thing curious on though...  Granted, you don't have to say but curious your age...  

    I cannot make out if your younger than me or a lil bit older... lol!  :o)

  6. if being alone for the rest of your life is the only way to protect your self from getting, be it..

    but if you grow old, you will realize what is missing in your life..

    there is no perfect relationship, but you can make it stay forever if you will believe that love is the  powerful.

    it's hard to live alone.. if you cant stand on your own will.

  7. Sure, especially new ones!  Cynicism isn't as bad as being naive.  Remember, "Stupid is as Stupid does, Ma'am" - Forest Gump

  8. Yes, I find that it is realistic to feel that way. We are supposed to be evolving as human beings but we are just regressing and becoming more and more immoral and selfish. People feel little need to stay true to the one they are with and often take each other for granted. I don't understand why people even bother to pretend to be monogamous when they can't, it's a lie, a false premise, and it is VERY selfish and immoral. I hate relationships, wish I only had to worry about myself, but h**l, I can't even control myself(not in the cheating sense, I am 100% capable and commited to being monogamous, but in the eating and smoking sense, I eat too much chocolate and smoke too many cigarettes) anyway, if I can't control myself 100% of the time, then I can't trust myself on certain issues and how the h**l am I supposed to trust someone else? There's all these liars out there too, people who use each other, it's all so ****** up. Maybe next time I want to get pregnant, I'll so to a freaking sperm bank:)

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