
Is it right to download music for free? What about downloading the leaked albums before they hit the stores?

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Music is everywhere and people just can't get enough of it. Some people can't afford or just don't want to pay for the music so they'll download it for free. Others will go crazy for there favorite bands new album and try to get it leaked. Well, is it wrong? All the money the artist make from doing concerts and showing up places is it wrong for people to download for free? Maybe the quality isn't as good if you get it for free but do you want to spend the money? With higher gas prices can people really afford to spend money on music? So, is it wrong to download for free. What are your thoughts?




  1. the bands really do NOT make that much money on concerts. they do concerts for the fans, and to spread their name around, so they can get album sales. it is NOT RIGHT to download music for free, although i do it for downloading very popular bands/ artists. if you are downloading indie music or anything that isnt really popular, i wouldn't do it, because these people need the money, and it is stealing.

  2. Sharing is good.

  3. The copyright laws were designed to encourage people from making creative works, by giving them some financial incentive. The are only somewhat effective in this. They are also very complicated.

    Is it right to copy copyrighted work? This is one reason the copyright laws are somewhat flawed; this is hard to enforce, and enforcement is up to the copyright holder. What it does is make it less financially beneficial to create a new work (of music). If enough people did this, very few quality works would be created. Good musicians could still make money on tour, doing their old songs. Also, IMO, they are too restrictive, giving too long a period of time.

    Some creators of songs do permit their works to be downloaded for free, supposedly for the publicity. But usually not major artists.  

  4. Of course it's wrong, but everyone does it lol. Before, it used to be mandatory to buy the album if you wanted to listen to the music. Nowadays, the right thing to do is to buy the album if you like the music. If you like the artist, shouldn't you support him/her so they can make more? And come on higher gas prices? Albums are extremely cheap seeing how much it costs to actually produce the tracks and create the album. It all depends on the listener I guess.

  5. Of course it's wrong. Nothing in life is free, and if you try, there are always "road blocks" that stop people from doing so. Of course, people still do it, but it doesn't make it right, per se.

  6. its not right. cd's are how artists make theyr money. but now everyone is downloading for free so they have to come up with other things liek perfume and clothing lines now to actually keep making money. but ya cant stop people theyre not gonna stop downloading it for free

  7. You brought up a very controversial issue. Downloading music for free is right and legal if the owner/producer of the music gives permission to do so.

    According to RIAA (no one likes it I know) downloading music using Limewire, Kaaza, Bitlord etc is illegal. Because you are downloading and enjoying it but not paying for it. Millions of people do it but that doesn't make it legal.

    I like music but I barely download music anymore. Price of everything is going up so I think entertainment is not that much of a need to me anymore.

    If everyone starts to download music for free, what is the impact? Music artists will make less money because people will buy less CDs, DVDs or mp3s from musicstores. That way, music companies will lose interest in investing in producing new albums. People related with music field will start making less money and some will lose their jobs. The quality of the music will eventually fall.

  8. I think it's wrong to download songs illegally but till the day cops come busting through my doors for downloading music  on a p2p program then I'm gonna keep doing it. It's not even that I'm too poor to dl music on itunes or just buy the albums in stores it's that there's literally free music EVERYWHERE! It's almost ridiculously stupid to go out and buy an album when in less than ten minutes you can get that same album free in the privacy of your own home.

    Hey it's not my fault the internet is awesome.

  9. It's technically stealing. You're taking something that doesn't belong to you and using it for yourself. What would happen if everyone just decided to download free music? Artists could and probably are losing a whole lot of money because of it. You shouldn't be doing it anyways, it's illegal.

  10. it's free. it's good

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