
Is it right to have a child before mariage?

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because i have a son and his mom took me to coutrt and now im not going to be with him till he's 3




  1. A lot of people look down on others who have children out of wedlock (old-fashioned as referred to) but things have changed.  Now it is not uncommon for this to happen.  In some situations, it is ideal and others not.  If we all waited until we were financially/emotionally/mentally ready for a child, most of us would not have children at all.  Your never really "ready" for a child.  Nonetheless, we have learned to take what we have been given and make the best of it.  We love our children, regardless.

    Its your decision as to whether to have a child out of wedlock or not.  There is no law that says you cannot.  I cant really make sense of your situation, but it sucks that you wont be able to see your son until he's three.  Hopefully, you can appeal this decision and get him back.  I am sorry for what you are going through.

  2. Yes, it's wrong with God.

  3. i am a little confused.  but as far as having a child before marriage, i  did it.

  4. that depends on the person, responsible for the child(ren).

    i had two children before i got married, but i took responsibility for their welfare and care on my own. this is something that most young people don't think about when concieving a child.

  5. There is no real wrong or right.  People have children out of wedlock everyday and sometimes that is a good situation for all while other times it isn't.  

    I'm sorry to hear that you won't be able to see your son till he is three but at the same time I don't understand why since you didn't fully disclose that information.

  6. If everyone waited for the "perfect" time to have children than most people would never have them!   I dont really understand your situation though but good luck!

  7. As long as you're responsible and able to support the child and give him or her a loving home, then there's nothing wrong with it.

    Your situation confuses me though.

  8. Sweetie, at this point what is done is done....if you can't legally seek visitation or change what has occurred, then you must deal with what you can focus on that and not on what is 'right' or 'wrong'

  9. nope its really not right to have s*x before marriage i am sorry

  10. there is no right or wrong people do wots best for them

  11. I think its your choice. There are no laws that say you cant. If your prepared for a child and feel that you can look after a child well then I cant see why not.

  12. Whether or not you are married to the mother of your child should have no bearing in a custody hearing. You are the child's father and have equal rights to him as his mother. I would recommend going back to court and fighting that ruling. There is no reason that you have to wait until he is 3 to see him. The first few years of a childs life are very important in forming a bond with their parents. My husband was never married to his daughters mother and he has had joint custody of her since they split up when she was 1. She is 10 now. If you can afford a lawyer I would recommend hiring one. It sounds as though his mother is trying to eliminate you from your son's life and that is wrong. I wish you good luck.

  13. You answered your own question son.

    That kid will be without his dad for 3 yrs and  will be at the mercy of any guy your ex wants to date.Most kids who are molested and abused are victims of the mother's studs.

  14. In the perfect world we would all be stable and secure before having children in a 2parent family for a multitude of reasons. However that doesn't make it wrong to have a child outside of marriage, messier perhaps but not wrong.

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