
Is it right to let your girlfriend have s*x with you on your B-day even when it is her idea?

by  |  earlier

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hey, I am 17 i am a virgin. My girlfriend is 16 and she is also a virgin. My birthday is coming up and she wants to do something special on my special day. The special day she want to have s*x. Should I really let her do that? I think that she want to wait till the time is right but i am a guy and I really want to. It was her idea. If we decide to do it, what is the best way to have s*x your very first time? and where? When? How?




  1. It's nice that you are planning and all... I have to say that if you're both virgins, don't do it.  Not yet.  Is this the girl you want to marry?  Would you do it tomorrow?  No matter how you answer those two questions, they are both reasons to wait.

    Just wait.  I was so jealous of my friends that were virgins and told them so.  I wish I had waited.  So much changes as life goes on.

    My advise is to wait.  Tell her you love her and that you love that she wants to do this and that you both should wait.

    That's my answer.


  3. Spicks

  4. You have to make sure she is doing this cause she wants to not cause you want to or it means nothing. s*x isn't half as good unless your in love with the person.

    If you do go through with it, be very gentle with her. A girls first time is painful. And don't be rough. Go slow, be passionate, talk to her, look into her eyes, make her feel special.

    good luck

  5. If you're both ready for that big decision, then go for it. Make sure you don't make her feel obligated to do anything. And always think of the consequenses if you do have s*x (pregnancy, parenthood, etc.). Don't get caught! :)

  6. She is asking you if that would be the best thing you would want on your birthday. Please take into consideration her feelings on this whole idea. She maybe just saying it to please you on your birthday because she doesnt know what else to do. Talk to her about it. If she doesn't want to go with the plan suggest a list of things you would be intrested in receiving for your 17th birthday. If she honestly feels comfortable and read y to have s*x on your birthday then go for it. Buy her some s**y lingerie. Light some candles, make it romantic and special for not only for your pleasing but hers also. It will be a big special day for the two of you.

    Good luck

    P.S- Dont be silly wrap your willy! [use a condom!]

    And take it slow because its her first time=painful.

    And place-I have no idea, some where private, romantic, where you can be alone.

  7. well how long have you guys been together...are you in love with her...are you ready...are you going to be smart  and use protection?...these are all things that you need to get straight thoughts about before you know if it is right to do this for your birthday...also talk to her about it so that if you guys do decide to do this then know whats right like it might hurt her and that you guys are both new to this...also where and when are you guys going to do this on your birthday...its all about thinking it out!...good luck!...and be safe.

  8. ok first that is a sweet and symbolic gesture two make sure there are condoms and lube involved three make sure you LISTEN TO HER!!!!  if she says ow stop stop don't be a d**k jus do it don't force and just go with the flow and natural vibe. good luck and lots of love to you and yours. oh and first time is nice missionary on her back don't get to kinky or freaky because its gonna be tight down there for her and you wanna break one another in

  9. Wow Tyler, that took a lot of guts to post that o begin with.  The fact that you are asking shows your concern.  But, your own words tell me that this is not something you want.

    Should I really let her do that?

    I think you already know the answer, you just need a little confirmation.  Talk with her, tell her how you feel honored she feels that way about you.  BUT..let her know that you don't feel right about it, and you are not ready.  She'll understand, and wait for the right time.

    One other thing to think about-- is she giving you the present, or is she getting one for her in disguise?

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