
Is it right to make a fifften yo girl pay ??

by  |  earlier

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Now that i get an allowance 10 dollars a week (cuz of step dad) and like 300 on birthday and christmas from stepdad and dad. My mom doesnt want to pay for any of my things anymore. Shes always like oh you can handle it or arent you gonna help me out wink*. This year i wasted like 500 dollars and im only 15. Cuz i got a new bed and plane ticket and mom wanted me to help out. When the topic of my h.s graduation came up she was like ohh you can pay for it right. Shes kinda unemployed but working a lik, but she has a stash. Were doing better financially ever since my step dad came. But you know im only fifteen, i dont really ask for much i pay for most of my own things. I feel likes shes taking advantage of it a lil. I have no problem helping out for those things since there for myself ,but for kids my age the parents usually pay for all of it. She doesnt really give me money. I wanna save up for things but it really alot to waste for a kid my age. Is it right to make a fiftteen year old girl pay this much even though their doing well financially??




  1. yeh she is taking advantage of you

    this is so sad on so many levels

    i feel for u hun

    i wish u had more helpful parents buh make sure u try to save ur $$$ ok and everytime she tries to make u pay aka h.s. graduation, tell her its her responsibility as she is UR PARENT and ur not technically an adult yet so she has to stop being so demanding and cheap around u

  2. yeah.

    My parents forced me to work as soon as I was legally able to (at the age of 15). Your mother is trying to teach you responsibility: you are old enough that she shouldn't have to pay your way anymore.  

  3. think of it, in a sense.... how much c**p have you gotten in the past? and like how much did you "ask" for... or what was given to you, for just bliss...

    you are getting to that age, where you should be spending your own money, and not keep asking for money.... it doesn't grow on trees ya know........ and get a job... and learn about financial expenses and experiences. maybe you feel that you are being denyed, when only your parents are letting you spread your wings, and fly on your own.  

  4. Make sure you take all that stuff you are buying with you when you leave.  Don't buy anything that YOU don't want (did you want the bed?)

    If you don't want to pay, don't.  Just make sure that if she won't cough up the dough it will be ok it you go without.

  5. You are learning responsibility and independence will be glad of it when you are all grown up and know how to handle your money.

  6. it teaches you financial responsibility.  it teaches you to think before you spend your money.  It makes you understand that money is oftentimes hard earned.

    In my family we had an understanding, if it was necessity (food, clothing--not brand names, shelter, school fees/supplies, and medical) then the parents paid for it but if it was a luxury (games, books, extra curricular activities, designer clothes, jewelry, going out, etc) then the kids had to pay for it themselves.  In order for us to buy the things we wanted we had to either get a job or do special chores around the house for money. And this rule was started at about age 14.  

    Think about it.  You're 15.  In 3 more years you will either be in college or living on your own.  3 years.  That's not very far off and you will need to have a good grasp of financial responsibility before you leave home.

    so if you think that the things you are buying are a waste of money then don't buy them and save the money for something else.

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