
Is it rude for a deaf person to talk (sign) with their mouth full of food?

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Is it rude for a deaf person to talk (sign) with their mouth full of food?




  1. Only if they have food in their hands. Since they are signing, their mouths aren't being why not go ahead and eat?


  2. What??? Ok, if you are asking if they are mouthing words with their mouth full while talking sign language, then yes.  If they are only using sign language and not showing food in their mouth, then no.  It's only rude to talk with your mouth full because nobody wants to see food all chewed up in your mouth let alone hear you chewing out loud.  Now that's rude.

  3. yes...your eye is exactly like mine!!!

  4. if the food is showing in their mouth then yes it is rude, but if they are just signing and have their mouth shut then no it is not rude.

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