
Is it rude for a friend to invite someone on a group outing without asking the group first?

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If a friend takes the liberty of inviting someone that isn't well liked by someone else in the group, is that wrong?

Should he consult the group before making that decision?

If he chooses not to consult the group, should he be responsible if any conflict arises?




  1. you shouldnt have to consult the group but you should take responsibility if a conflict arises

  2. he should ask especially if he knows that 2 or more will not get along!

  3. Well it depends on how big the group is, how much they hate eachother, and were you one of the people that helped to come up with the plans or did you just get invited.  I personally would ask someone else in the group(not the 2 people that dont like eachother) and see what they think about inviting the other person. You might be responsible for conflict but seriously i wouldnt worry about it because it is mean to leave someone else out.

  4. Responsible how?

    Unfortunately in life there are always going to be people that some people like and some others don't.

    As long as all are mature, they don't have to be buddies, but they can (should) be civil.

  5. it's a Yahoo group? it's an issue for the group owner to deal with and decide who should or should not be members of their group.  all memebrs should be respectful to all members regardless and the owner then is responsible for removing members who are not being respectful.

  6. i think it's rude. if you dont want to keep that friend....just tell him/her that what him/her did was very rude and stupid....but if you do want to keep that friend, just tell his/her friend that was invited without your permission to go home or leave without your friend knowing.

    wow. that was confusing but i hope you got it. whatever

  7. Yes it is rude and yes that person should take the heat for any conflict.  If the group is small then the environment is almost guaranteed to be awkward and uncomfortable. If the group is large then it may not be too difficult for those people to avoid each other, however it could create an uncomfortable environment for others.

  8. I don't think he should have consulted.

    If there is conflict between two parties of the group, then those two parties just need to ignore each other and have a blast.

  9. yea kinda cuz the group isnt expecting them so you should ask first, you dont want it to be awkward

  10. Yes!

  11. he should have asked first, that was not very nice of him.

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