
Is it rude if I don't walk her down?

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I work nights, and a few weeks ago one of my co-workers asked me to walk her down as she parked far away. That's fine, so I walked her down. Now it's becoming an everyday thing even when she's parked out front, or when someone is coming to pick her up.

Am I required to walk her down? I don't want to be rude, but I really don't want to. Also a few people at work seemed upset that I would walk her down; saying I don't like her, so why walk her down.

How rude is it if I dont' walk her down?




  1. If it's dark when she leaves then somenbody should walk her down. Things can happen at car parks when it's late. Is she the last person to leave.. if not you don't have to walk her down but if she leaves late, and nobody but you is there and she leaves then alone, then you should do it for reasons of protection. See her to the car. If she leaves when it is still light out, she can leave on her own or if someone else leaves at the time she goes home, ask that other person to go with her... maybe she had a bad experience or got some threats. Maybe someone is stalking her then you wouldn't want her to end up dead, would you.... she may have been a victim of some crime or even a robbery only.. that is shocking enough... talk to her and ask her... but be a gentleman ... and walk her down if it's late and she goes down to her car alone...x*x it might be nothing but she might be in danger and might have talked to the boss that she receives stalker mail so under those circumstances it would be good if a male walked her to the car and waits until she is inside.. then she can lock all doors and drive off... x*x Be a hero!

  2. It's up to you but goodness, is chilvary THIS dead? I worked in a place where when women worked late, the manager MADE the male co-workers walk us to our cars at night. Why? Because it was the right thing to do and because he cared about our safety. Now, you don't have to if you don't want to but, goodness. She's not asking for blood. Is it that hard to walk her to her car? Do you dislike it that much? And if so, then just tell her! I am sure another guy wouldn't mind doing it.

    And I don't think she's hitting on you. Some people are just a little scarier than others. Personally I wouldn't want a man walking me anywhere if he disliked it as much as you obviously do walking her. It's not your obligation, but there should be some form of compassion in you towards a woman to just want to do it sometimes. That's just how I see it. Hey, forbid something happened to her one night when you didn't walk her out. Think of it from her shoes and not selfishly okay? It won't kill you to take a few minutes out of your day and help someone else would it? It's not like she's asking you to take her home every night.

    Sometimes we gotta do things we might not like just to show we are still decent people. I don't see why you hate this so much, it's no big deal.  It's really up to you. I'm sure she'll find another gentleman to walk her if you stopped.

  3. It depends on what her reasons are, if her car is in a poorly lit area, or its dark, then I don't think its unreasonable to ask someone to walk them to their car.

    If you feel uncomfortable or don't wish to, then tell her so. Unless your the security guard then its not your role, but it maybe she feels safe around you, and feels anxious walking to her car if it is dark, hence her asking you to walk her out.

    A colleague who is the night watchman always walks me to my car, makes sure that I am in my car and I have it started before leaving me. He  walks all female staff to their car, especially if their car is in the more secluded area.

  4. Most places that have night shift staff also have security staff-she can wait for one of them to be available. After all, what use could you be against a bad guy with a gun or knife?

  5. Does your company have a security guard?  If so, next time she asks, simply say, "I can't tonight, but I'll call security to accompany you." It's for safety, really.  It's common practice for people who work nights to group together to get to their cars, and watch out for each other. However, I can see how you might feel taken advantage of...perhaps if she doesn't stop, you can talk with a supervisor and ask if there's anyone else who can do it, as it really shouldn't be your "responsibility" (it's more like a courtesy you are providing for her because you are a nice guy).

  6. She's hitting on you fool.  Put a stop to it if you don't want to get with her.  Tell her you have other stuff to finish up, or ask if one of the security guards can do it (if the building has them).  

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